Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Daily Wall: June 6

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Kevin John Dugan (New York, NY)


David A Ackerman  1968
Neil W Aldridge  1967
Frederick A Allmeyer  1969
Dennis Archibald  1968
Luke J Azlin  1969
Allen J Baker  1968
Duane S Baker  1967
Howard R Baker  1969
Edmond T Ballance  1971
Larry H Barbee  1969
Harold E Barnard  1971
Donald J Barnes  1967
James D Beavers  1973
John P Beckers  1969
George E Beckley  1970
William P Benn  1969
Thomas A Berg  1969
Michael H Bia  1968
Michael J Blanscet  1970
Robert R Boeskool  1970
Carl W Borchers  1971
Samuel G Bosenbark  1969
Samuel Boyd Jr  1968
John R Bragg  1969
William A Branch  1970
John K Brazier  1968
Joseph Breski Jr  1969
William L Brooks  1969
Anthony B Brown  1968
Norman D Brown  1969
Joseph L Brown Jr  1968
Robert M Brupbacher  1969
Charles F Buff  1967
Ralph J Buford  1970
Paul E Burgard  1968
Lawrence D Burgess  1970
John R Burke  1967
Niles Burney  1967
Lee R Bush  1968
William L Byrd  1970
Everette B Caldwell  1970
William R Campbell  1968
Manuel Casares  1968
William H Clevenger  1969
David W Cloutier  1967
Frank A Condon  1968
Albert R Cortez  1970
John P Craig  1969
Leonard E Cruce  1968
William M Crusie Jr  1969
Robert W Cupp  1968
Richard E Cyran  1969
Melvin E Davis  1970
Richard S Davis Jr  1968
Billy J DeMarco  1970
Nicolaus A Doeden  1965
Steven F Dolim Jr  1968
Ernesto Dominguez  1966
Robert Drak  1969
Melvin S Dry  1972
Kevin S Dugan  1968
Kenneth P Duggar  1966
Thomas L Dunithan  1968
William R Ebright  1968
Frederick H Elizondo  1967
Jack G Enix  1968
Robert C Essmann  1969
Michael J Evans  1969
Thomas J Fallon Jr  1966
Maximo P Fernandez  1966
Dale F Fleischmann Jr  1970
Felix F Flores  1968
Forrest J Flyte  1968
Harris A Folmar  1968
Curtis L Foster  1965
James A Fowler  1972
Jackie Frankenstein  1968
Timothy J Frazier Jr  1968
Varl E Fulford  1966
Robert M Fullmer  1969
Felton R Fussell  1969
Michael J Galbraith  1966
Phillip D Gardner  1969
Daniel A Gatto  1969
Stephen B Geurin  1969
Eligio R Gonzales Jr  1968
Larry G Gosch  1969
Eddie Green  1966
Frank E Gregory  1968
Michael F Grisafe Jr  1969
Stephan R Gross  1969
David J Gunster  1968
William C Gunter  1967
Michael S Haines  1968
William E Hale  1968
William E Hannings  1968
Ralph L Harper  1968
William A Hayes  1968
Darrell W Heatherly  1967
Johnie M Henninger  1967
Alva D Henthorn  1968
Allen C Hertz  1965
Edward H Higgins  1968
Teddy M Hodges Jr  1969
Dennis N Hogenboom  1970
Jason A Holes  1968
James Holt  1968
Richard A Holt  1968
Ralph Honaker  1969
Franklin W Hoops Jr  1968
Melvin S Hoover  1967
William D Hopson  1966
Clarence E Hornbuckle Jr  1968
James B Howard  1968
Charles A Hubbard  1967
Roger L Inboden  1968
John D Inguillo  1969
Albert Ishman Jr  1968
Adam Jackson  1970
Terry L Jenkins  1969
Willie L Joe  1969
Gary A Jones  1969
Noel F Josephs  1969
Gerald L Kalis  1970
Jimmy Kemp  1967
Mark E Klever  1970
Rick L Knight  1968
Kurt E LaPlant  1968
Michael S Lafromboise  1969
Duane H Landwehr Jr  1969
Melvin D Langston  1968
Don H Lascelles  1969
Larry E Lawrence  1967
Ronald D Layton  1969
Peter A Lehman  1969
Dennis L Lobbezoo  1968
Lewis R Lovell Jr  1968
Martin E Loving  1971
Carl D Lynch  1969
Dennis J Manson  1969
Leo R Marcoulier  1969
Jerry L Martin  1970
Gerald Mattera  1968
James May Jr  1968
Bruce C Maynard  1969
Carl E McBee  1965
Alfred McCullough  1968
Gerald O McKay  1965
Norman L McKenney  1968
Marvin E McLelland  1968
James A McMurdo  1967
Paul F McNally  1965
Thomas J Meenan  1968
Dennis C Melton  1968
Terrance R Mesenburg  1969
Charles E Mickles  1968
Loren R Millard  1968
Robert M Miller  1967
Terry D Miller  1969
Steven J Miner  1968
Robert N Moore  1968
Catarino Morelos Jr  1968
Larry H Morgan  1968
William T Morris III  1968
Dennis W Mourgelas  1968
Zack W Napier  1968
Larry J Nicholson  1969
Rodolph L Nunn Jr  1968
Andres Ortiz-Lebron  1970
Cecil T Oscar  1968
Ronald E Pace  1970
George R Packard  1968
Willie L Page  1967
Luis F Palacios  1968
Danny L Parker  1969
William H Parker  1968
Paul J Pelletier  1968
Paul P Pennington  1966
Andrew Perry Jr  1968
Steven J Philbrick  1969
Terrance A Picciano  1968
Richard D Pliner  1970
Lawrence E Porter  1968
Daniel L Prock  1968
James F Puariea  1969
Roy L Ramy  1969
Larry B Reed  1968
James A Reid  1968
Louis G Rhoades  1968
John D Rhodes III  1969
Gary K Roberts  1968
Ernesto Rosario-Soto Jr  1969
Richard J Rudolph  1968
Jose R Sanchez  1968
Joseph S Sanchez  1970
Angelo C Santiago  1968
Donald S Satter  1968
Kenneth W Schauble  1968
Walter L Seawright  1968
John W Seuell  1972
John D Sharp  1969
Ronnie D Shaw  1969
Peter M Shepherd  1968
Lonnie Sheppard Jr  1968
David F Sherrell  1967
Roger W Shipley  1968
William Simmons  1968
Charles W Smith  1968
Donald L Smith  1968
Franklin W Smith  1966
Robert L Smith  1968
Gerald D Sorrentino  1968
Dale L Speir  1967
Gary L Stewart  1970
Jonathan L Stoops  1968
Ronald D Storbo  1969
Michael R Street  1971
Mitchell N Stupar  1967
James R Stutes  1970
Mikal J Sullivan  1968
Victor B Sutton  1969
Robert M Swick  1968
Fred T Teal  1969
Phillip F Theriot  1969
Harry Thomas Jr  1968
Francis L Thompson  1969
John P Thompson  1968
Raymond C Thompson Sr  1969
Billy L Tobias  1967
Francis V Todarello  1968
James L Todtenbier  1969
F R Tomon  1968
Gary D Tracy  1965
Richard P Valadez  1969
Edgar H Vallecillo  1967
John K Vogelsang  1969
Douglas M Washington  1968
Roger D Weber  1968
Jacob R Weldin  1968
James K Wheeler  1968
Melvin E White  1969
Eugene Wilson  1968
Frank W Wilson  1965
Ernest G Winston  1968
Howard H Withey  1967
James S Wood  1968
Terry S Woodroffe  1970

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