Monday, February 29, 2016

Daily Wall: February 29

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I plan on listing them all, day by day, until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.
Earl Erwin Jr. (Mobile AL)


Richard E Beckwith  1968
Donald C Bennett Jr.  1968
Gerald Cervantes  1968
James F Coleman  1968
John W Cook  1968
John W Cook Jr.  1968
Rory A Covington  1968
George W de Jarnett  1968
Victor di Cavallucci  1968
Carl L Downs  1968
Francis M Driscoll  1968
John D Duffield  1968
Robert D Ellis  1968
Earl Erwin Jr.  1968
Crosley J Fitton Jr.  1968
Harry I Fuqua Jr.  1968
Philip F Greene  1968
Richard J Groat  1968
Jeffery Gurvitz  1968
Cleveland S Harris  1968
Earl T Jones  1968
Edward J Kaminski  1968
Phillip D Laframboise  1968
Carl R Leed  1968
Douglas A Lentz  1968
Arthur E Likens  1972
Kenneth C Lockwood  1968
Frederick L Martin  1968
Michael E Martin  1968
Edward E McClellan  1968
James C McPhearson  1968
Vernon J Miller Jr.  1968
George A Mussenden  1968
Otis L Nick  1968
Ceizhar V Pagcaliuagan  1968
Richard A Randolph  1968
Luia Rodgers  1968
Joe S Rodriguez  1968
Ronnie D Schultz  1968
Maurice L Sirois  1968
Jerrold P Smith  1968
Edgar C Spence  1968
Kenneth R Stephenson  1968
Samuel K Stewart  1968
Gilbert Thibeault  1968
John W Tracy  1968
Arthur J Turkstra  1968
Larry P Tyson  1968
Darrell R Umholtz  1968
Larry J Walterman  1968
Wayne L Ward  1968
William R Watt  1968
Harold C Whittaker  1968

Listed alphabetically by day of loss

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Wall: February 28

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I plan on listing them all, day by day, until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Wayne Norman Hayes


James D Aalund  1970
Richard C Adamo  1968
Dennis M Adams  1969
John C Agee  1967
Frank T Alday  1968
Daniel A Alegre  1970
Ronald J Allen  1969
Archie Anderson  1968
James Anderson Jr.  1967
David M Anthony  1967
Charles R Baggett  1970
David Z Balades  1968
Johnnie F Barchak Jr.  1967
Marvin D Barnes  1969
James F Baucom  1968
Frederick J Baum  1971
Elvie Bell Jr.  1969
Alfredo Benigni  1968
Martin L Bennett  1968
Albion J Bergantzel  1971
Richard I Bermejo  1967
Irwin Beyda  1969
Donald L Blankenship  1969
Sherman Bochnewetch II  1970
Carl E Bockewitz  1967
Richard L Boltz  1967
Don G Boyd  1967
James Boyd  1968
William Boyle  1970
Kenneth R Bradley  1968
William J Brencich  1969
Edgar J Brossman  1968
Charles Brown  1969
Clifton L Broyer  1969
William J Bruce  1969
Roger D Bulifant  1966
Glenn E Bundy  1970
Clarence H Burdett  1968
John A Burich Jr.  1969
Richard A Burns  1969
James T Byrd  1967
Robert E Caldwell  1968
Robert D Calhoun  1969
Robert J Cavillo  1967
Eugene Carter  1970
Henry C Casebolt  1966
Juan Casiano  1967
James D Chambers  1968
Donnie R Chastain  1970
Melvin E Chloupek  1968
Warren L Christensen  1966
Ronald S Christman  1968
Dennis P Clancy  1968
Lester H Clegg  1966
Brian L Colby  1967
Kyle J Coles  1968
John S Collier  1968
Charles Combs  1967
Garry G Cook  1967
Kenneth L Cook  1968
Robert M Cookson  1969
Henry A Coons  1968
Donald N Cooper  1968
Harry J Cornwell  1968
Steven W Couch  1967
Eugene Couturiaux Jr.  1969
Benjamin Craig Jr.  1968
Gary L Crampton  1968
Curtis E Crawford  1967
Jose Crespo  1969
Larry B Curttright  1969
Larry E Dailey  1970
Theus E Delaigle  1968
Ronald L Dempsey  1968
John L Dengler  1968
James P Devaney  1970
Richard A Dewane  1967
Russell W Dickens  1967
Richard M Donlan  1969
Joseph C Doyle  1968
Roy W Duncan  1968
Matthew M Dwyer Jr.  1968
Vernon W East  1969
Kenneth M Edwards  1967
Klaus D Egolf  1968
John P Ellis  1968
George F Evans  1969
Gerald L Evans  1971
William P Fahey  1967
James T Fernandez  1969
Peter W Fields  1966
George A Finter  1970
Russell D Flanagan  1969
Kenneth M Flashner  1970
Alan G Floyd  1968
La V Folkers  1967
Robert J Frankowiak  1969
Carter J Freund  1969
William Fuchs Jr.  1966
Warren R Furse  1969
James N Galey  1968
Danny D Gard  1968
Donatus J Geilen  1967
Franklin D Gilbert  1966
Terry A Gilbertson  1968
Walter L Glass  1964
Michael J Glynn  1967
Jerry W Gobbo  1969
Ronald C Goodiron  1968
James S Goss  1967
John H Graham  1967
Dennis A Groff  1969
Ronald G Grumling  1967
Gilberto L Guillen Jr.  1967
Robert E Guthrie  1970
Clifford E Hakes  1967
John D Hall  1968
William A Hanna  1969
Warren G Harding Jr.  1968
Earl W Harris  1968
Larry C Harris  1967
William L Harris  1968
Jerry D Harsson  1969
Randolph G Hart Jr.  1971
Howard T Haught Jr.  1969
Wayne N Hayes  1967
Willard F Hayes  1968
Thomas G Hazelwood  1968
Michael J Heal  1967
Richard R Herchkorn  1966
Thomas L Herd  1968
Wilbur L Hicks  1969
William J Hodge  1970
David C Holden  1967
Victor J Homsley  1967
Budd E Hood  1967
William W Hood  1967
Robert W Howden  1968
James F Hubisz  1966
Robert W Hunt  1968
Arthur J Jackson  1966
William J Jacobs  1968
David K Jacobsgaard  1969
Odes W Jeffers  1963
Ray G Jenkins  1968
Marshall Jessie  1966
Charles Johnson  1966
Gary L Johnson  1969
James J Johnson  1969
Edwin A Keeble Jr.  1969
Herbert A Kehrli  1968
Richard W Keithline  1969
Patrick J Kelly Jr.  1966
Charles F Kerr  1968
Ronald L Kielpikowski  1969
Donald J Krajewski  1969
John W Kupkowski  1971
Donald A Labonte  1968
James B Laird  1966
Howard S Lamb  1971
James F Lamn  1967
Jimmy L Langston  1967
Robert W Lauzon  1968
Jerry D Leak  1968
Matthew Leonard  1967
Patrick N Lyons  1967
Larry E MacDonald  1966
Roy R Maddux Jr.  1968
Patricio Maldonado Jr.  1968
Geraldo Marquez  1969
Raymond C Mason  1968
Allan D Masteller  1968
Thomas A McAdams  1969
Marc W McCabe  1968
Edward J McCarthy  1966
Earl E McCarty  1971
Brent A McClellan  1966
George F McCoy  1966
Jerry S McDonald  1969
Curtis J McGee  1966
Danny J McGriff  1966
Andy McGuire Jr.  1966
Patrick M McKenney  1967
James R McLemore  1966
Ralph D McNew  1967
Edwin G Meixner  1968
Burt J Meyer Jr.  1969
Raymond E Meyers  1966
Tommy Mezzles  1967
Kenneth D Middleton  1966
James H Mikels Jr.  1968
Stephen L Miles  1967
Jerry E Miller  1968
Stanley G Miller  1967
Steve Mirick Jr.  1969
Michael J Molina  1967
James R Moore  1967
Mark L Morgan  1966
Michael L Myers  1967
Miguel E Naranjo Jr.  1966
Richard F Nugent  1966
Gary W Painter  1968
David A Parker  1969
Danny R Parkulo  1967
Charles E Parsons  1968
James G Patzwall  1966
Arthur C Pederson  1966
Juanito Perea  1968
Dallis Perryman  1968
Joseph B Philipson Jr.  1968
Robert L Platt  1968
Michael D Pliska  1966
Steven J Popkin  1968
William P Raubach  1968
Darrell T Ray  1966
Stacey D Reece  1968
Bruce E Reed  1969
Gene C Reid  1968
Winfield W Reid  1968
Lee E Reukauf  1967
Douglas A Rix  1967
Albert C Roberts  1966
Billy J Roberts  1970
John H Roberts  1966
Lester A Rogers  1966
James L Ross  1967
Larry E Ross  1967
Phillip E Rosson  1969
John R Ruggles III  1968
Edward C Sanchez  1969
Frank Sardina  1968
Harry T Satterfield  1967
James Scuitier  1968
John A Seravelli  1967
Robert L Sevell  1968
Walter C Shellito  1968
Robert L Shorter  1968
Perry V Shroyer  1968
Morris A Simpson  1971
Charles W Sims  1966
Charles A Smith  1968
Larry E Smith  1971
Walter T Smith  1970
John R Smith Jr.  1968
Charles O Spillman  1968
Gregory Square  1970
Emmett C Stanton  1968
Kenneth L Steel  1967
Thomas Stegman  1968
Douglas G Street  1967
Joe B Stuart Jr.  1969
Jay W Stull  1968
Clifton L Tart  1966
Charles G Tauberman Sr.  1971
Byron L Tennant  1969
Hubert O Th-Uot  1967
James E Thomas  1968
William H Thompson  1967
John A Thotland  1968
Jimmie L Todd  1968
Jose Torres  1966
John P Toth  1968
William O Turner  1968
Stanley E Ur  1969
Walter W Vail  1968
Edward J Vaillancourt  1970
Jack A van Wieren  1970
Donald S Vaughan  1967
Harold T Vaught  1967
Glen O Venet  1969
Vito Vitro  1969
Donald C Voltner  1969
James L Vroom  1969
Robert E Wesley  1968
John T Wetzel  1967
Michael C Whalen  1969
Mark E Williams  1970
Carter L Williams Jr.  1966
Richard J Wolcheski  1966
Douglas M Woodward  1970
Clark N Woodworth Jr.  1966
James W Wright  1969
David Ybarra  1969
Robert D Yorker  1967
Charlie M Young  1966

listed alphabetically by day of loss  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Daily Wall: February 27

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I plan on listing them all, day by day, until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Santiago Rodriguez Gonzalez


James E Abston Jr.  1967
Thomas E Adams  1969
Kenneth E Aleshire  1968
Robert C Allen  1967
Ramiro Alvarado  1968
Harold J Alwan  1967
Kenneth S Andrade  1968
Darrell W Aspey  1970
Marvin D Avery  1969
William F Ayres  1966
Ronald L Babcock  1971
Frank M Baca  1970
Richard R Ballantine  1968
Bobby J Barcena  1967
Ernest E Beam  1968
John E Berger  1968
Danny C Berrier  1970
Mack C Boblett  1969
Richard S Bovio  1970
Robert A Brothen  1969
Roscoe E Bryant  1968
Earnest J Buckelew  1969
Douglas J Burdick  1968
Joseph F Burinda Jr.  1969
Rocky A Burns  1970
Roy N Burris  1968
Bert E Burton  1969
Sam W Busby  1969
Cecil F Bush  1969
John R Cacioppo  1967
Marshall L Calender  1969
Ramiro Cardenas  1968
Michael J Carley  1967
James P Carney Jr.  1969
Willard G Coen  1969
Rodney D Collins  1971
Richard J Connelly  1970
Wilson L Cook  1967
Dennis L Craver  1971
Terry L Crawford  1969
Enrique S Cruz  1969
Jesus R Cruz  1967
John A Cukale Jr.  1971
Paul A Cumberland  1969
James L Cunningham  1967
Zbigniew J Dalenta  1971
David L Danowski  1966
Freddie C DeFoor  1970
Craig N DeMichelle  1969
Bruno W Demata  1969
Donald G Detmer  1967
John E Dillard  1968
Charles W Dokes  1970
Charlie M Ellison  1969
Jesus M Encarnacion-Colon  1970
John H Erbes  1969
Donald J Fisher  1969
David O Fjerstad  1967
Gary L Fuller  1967
Johnny J Gallardo  1970
Ronald J Gebbie  1969
Mike M Godines  1969
Santiago R Gonzales  1967
Edward S Graves  1966
Stanley E Graves Jr.  1968
Richard E Grier  1968
Robert L Hair  1968
Donald Hall  1970
Gary V Hall  1969
Robert J Hall  1967
Theodore S Hamner III  1969
James P Hanlon  1969
John F Hartzheim  1968
David W Hawryshko  1969
James B Heard  1970
Paul E Helsel Jr.  1966
Arthur W Herod  1968
Raymond C Hetzler  1970
Jose A Hinojosa  1968
Donald M Horton  1969
J. H. Houston  1967
James R Hubbard  1967
Litchfield P Huie  1967
John W Jackson  1967
Dennis W Jacobs  1968
Scott N Jacobson  1972
Donald M Jennings  1969
Jerome M Jones  1969
Robert H Jones  1967
Donaciano F Kaufman  1967
Raymond O Kennedy  1968
Rick E Kopka  1966
Ronald T Kransi  1968
Michael S Kravchak  1968
David A Larson  1970
Glenn K Leino  1969
Edward N Letchworth  1967
Robert P Levin  1967
Larry G Lewis  1971
James T Liebnitz  1969
James L Lien  1968
Joe Long  1970
Jose R Lozano  1967
Lawrence F Lubonski  1968
Howard L Lucas Jr.  1970
Henry Madison Jr.  1969
Abelardo Malave-Rios  1968
Adolfo Martinez  1969
Manuel Martinez  1969
Lawrence B McCloud  1966
Robert H McCollum  1968
Ronald L McCormick  1970
Louis H McFarland  1968
Mark S Miles  1970
Paul L Milius  1968
Paul J Miller  1968
Robert E Mino  1968
Daniel J Minor  1969
Sammy F Monroe  1967
Fred Mooney  1971
William H Moore  1969
Earl T Moore Jr.  1969
Elroy Morris  1969
Masashi Nakashimo  1971
Ralph E Nathan  1969
Emilio N Nededog  1971
Douglas E Nichols  1967
Edward L Niebur  1968
Charles S Norris  1967
Frederick J O'Connor Jr.  1968
Daniel L Overright  1969
James T Pace  1970
Gilbert S Palmer  1968
Timothy E Perry  1967
Larry W Petett  1968
Robert E Petschke Jr.  1969
James E Piva  1970
William S Potter  1969
Martin R Powers  1969
Robert L Powers  1968
Daniel V Proctor  1970
Francis J Pruitt  1970
Percy I Pugh  1969
Francisco Quintanilla Jr.  1971
Fernando M Quintero  1968
Larry S Rainey  1969
Roland W Ray  1967
Joseph J Reilly  1966
Harold M Renwick Jr.  1968
Donald R Rhodes  1969
Rodney A Roat  1968
Michael R Rommel  1969
William W Roush  1968
George Rowland Jr.  1967
Ruffin Satterwhite Jr.  1968
Bernard J Sause Jr.  1967
John P Scoggins  1967
Mitchell F Sek  1968
Melvin L Sellers  1969
Milton Shapiro  1969
Michael E Sims  1967
Otis B Sink  1967
Larry E Sinks  1968
Arthur C Sisco Jr.  1967
Christopher J Six  1971
Donald W Smith  1966
Gary K Smith  1967
Duane H Snyder  1968
George E Speck  1968
James E Spence  1966
Ronald W Stafford  1970
Theodore A Stampfli  1968
Charles H Stanley  1968
Virgil Stanley Jr.  1967
Frank L Staton  1970
Teddy W Steelman  1967
James L Steinkirchner  1971
Cornelius W Strassner  1968
Conrad F Straub  1967
Craig E Swagler  1969
Gary L Swartz  1970
Rudolph Swoope  1969
Charles A Tavares  1969
Jose R Tavares  1968
Robert T Taylor  1970
Gordon R Tefteller  1967
Cornelius Terry  1970
Walter R Thomas  1967
Kevin G Thorne  1971
Charles R Tricker  1971
Jimmy M Trollinger  1968
Louie J Troutt Jr.  1969
Arthur J Turner  1967
Anthony N Valente  1968
Donald T van Horn  1967
Gary L Vanderbrook  1969
Clarence Varnado  1967
Travis G Walden  1967
Vernon L Walker  1968
Willie L Wallace  1969
Jeider J Warren  1968
Brian C Wehner  1967
Richard D Welch  1968
David S Whitman  1969
Charles E Williams  1968
Neil S Williams  1967
Thomas C Wright  1968
Thomas T Wright  1968
James D Youngham  1968
Ronald P Yuhas  1969
Lyle D Zacher  1969
Ronald L Zempel  1967

Listed alphabetically by day of loss  

Friday, February 26, 2016

Daily Wall: February 26

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I plan on listing them all, day by day, until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Elmer Eugene Berry


William E Adams  1968
Jerry L Alferink  1969
Roy Allen  1968
Andrew A Allen III  1968
Douglas D Alley  1966
Roger C Atkinson  1968
William M Bagshaw  1968
Vincent N Banks  1969
Iria D Barnett  1969
Timothy P Bauer  1969
Joseph F Bauer Jr.  1969
Ronald S Bay  1970
David T Bell  1967
Simmie Bellamy Jr.  1966
Martin J Benson  1970
Elmer E Berry  1966
Calvin H Bigger  1968
Ovie E Blankenship  1967
Raymond J Brereton  1968
Thomas C Brewer Jr.  1966
Harry P Brightman  1967
Christopher Brow  1969
Alvin R Brown  1968
James T Brown  1966
Robert W Brown Jr.  1968
Johnny E Brumley  1967
Larry R Butcher  1967
Norman K Byassee  1970
George E Byrd  1967
Vincent J Cannizzaro  1967
Robert T Carnoske  1967
Joseph K Carroll  1969
Ronald C Cavinee  1966
Ernest Chaffins Jr.  1968
Bradley Chavis  1967
William D Choi  1968
Irvin Clarke Jr.  1966
Charles E Clay  1969
George P Collins  1969
Eugene Copeland  1969
Michael Cotton  1968
Hobart E Covington  1969
Robert S Cragin Jr.  1968
Robert B Crosby  1970
David G Cummings  1969
Charles E Daniels  1966
Robert L Daugherty  1972
John K Davis  1967
Theodore H Davis  1967
Lawrence J DeFelice  1969
James E Deese Jr.  1968
David W Denlinger  1969
Richard L Desper  1969
Jim L Dickson  1969
Mark S Diorio  1970
Jay C Dyer  1968
Dennette A Edwards III  1968
Daniel G Ely  1969
Thermon H Emory Jr.  1970
Albert Erskine  1969
Garfield Evans  1968
Robert L Fallows  1970
Michael J Fleming  1970
Johnson F Frank  1966
Jerry R Frazier  1969
Lamar D Frederick  1966
Michael J Frencl  1969
Manuel Galvez-Pastrana  1970
Juan Garcia  1967
Michael S Garrett  1968
John P Gilliam  1966
Edward J Ginter  1967
Gordon P Gipner  1969
Frank B Glendenning  1970
William H Goins  1968
Robert J Gold  1967
Steven V Goldstein  1968
Manuel Gonzales  1969
Leon R Goodale Jr.  1969
Richard L Hamilton  1971
Larry G Harrison  1971
Donald F Hartzell Jr.  1970
Robert L Harvey  1967
Robert B Hedge  1968
Rodger R Hertel  1968
Jack L Himes  1966
Duane A Hipple  1969
Davis P Hoffman  1970
Robert L Hoskins Jr.  1966
Stephen L Huber  1968
Henry Hudson Jr.  1970
Felicisimo A Hugo  1967
Lynn E Hunter  1967
David C Jackson  1969
Daniel R James  1966
Willie L James  1968
Robert A Jans  1968
Ronald D Jewell  1969
Richard M Johnson  1969
Allan H Katz  1967
Patrick B Keane  1967
Sammy E Kinnamon  1969
Larry C Koski  1969
William D Kristjanson  1970
Dennis J Kromrey  1968
Charles J Kurtz  1969
Anthony La Rocco  1968
Michael W Langnehs  1971
Gary K Lannom  1968
Ernest A Laroche  1966
Kenneth A Lavine Jr.  1969
Donald C LeBlond  1969
Bernard L Lefevre  1970
Lawrence G Leigh Jr.  1968
Rodger D Lewis  1967
David J Link  1968
Billy D Livingston  1968
Warren G Lizotte Jr.  1969
Phillip W Lucas  1968
Michael J Lutzke  1967
Donald E Madden  1967
Frank J Mathews  1968
Harry Mathis Jr.  1967
William C Matthews  1969
Gerald W McCaffrey  1968
Allan L McCall  1968
Hugh J McCormack  1967
Gerard M McDonald  1968
Samuel D McInturf  1968
Carlos Medina  1967
Ismael Menendez-Ocasio  1968
Robert A Miller  1967
Dennis K Millison  1969
Clarence Mitchell  1966
Eugene M Moppert  1968
Calvin C Morgan  1967
Raymond C Mroczynski  1969
Warren F Muhr  1967
Robert D Murphy Jr.  1968
Walter H Nayar  1971
Donald S Newton  1966
James W Nichols Jr.  1968
Gene B Nickerson  1970
Stephen S Niederhause  1969
Arthur A Niedermeier  1967
Ray Nixon  1967
Salvador L Norzagaray  1969
Matthew T Orton  1967
James E Palmeri  1969
Van H Pearson  1969
Donald L Pender  1967
Steven O Perlewitz  1967
Roy L Petty  1971
Thomas V Pilson  1969
Wayne B Platt  1968
Billie N Plum  1966
Mark E Policastro  1968
Bradley L Powers  1967
Henry L Quigley  1969
Ronald L Quigley  1969
Glenn B Rao  1969
Robert L Reeves  1968
David S Reid  1970
Danny R Reigstad  1967
Sherwood Reynolds  1968
James P Richards  1970
Clarence H Rickards  1967
Alfredo Rivera  1969
Timothy R Roe  1970
Robert L Roebuck  1969
Leonard R Saint Clair  1967
Cesar E Sanchez  1967
Gerd F Seelig  1967
James W Simms  1969
Joseph M Sinkewicz  1968
Wayne K Sippey  1967
David L Smith  1968
Frederick E Smith  1966
Thomas E Smith  1967
Terrance L Snyder  1969
John M Souther  1971
Barry G Sowders  1969
John M Spielman  1968
Roy S Spurgeon  1968
Gerald M Staats  1970
Paul F Stedman  1968
Richard J Sterling  1967
John L Stewart  1968
Benjamin F Stoffer II  1969
Isaac Stringer Jr.  1969
Miles B Stuart  1968
Ransom L Stuck  1968
Jon E Swanson  1971
Thomas J Sweeney  1968
William M Tarbell  1966
Edward J Tarin  1968
Sherman R Taylor  1971
John R Tennant  1969
Robert L Terry  1966
Jimmie R Tice  1969
Richard E Tomasini Jr.  1967
Manuel A Torrez  1967
Jack R Trim  1967
Freddie Usher  1969
Monte E Van Skike  1968
Terry L Vinge  1968
George T Vollmar  1967
Archie C Wabschall III  1970
Dale A Walker  1971
Robert L Walker  1968
Richard A Wallick  1969
George S Walton  1967
Joel K Watkins  1969
Robert L Watts  1968
Gary A Webb  1967
Rickey J Whitehead  1969
Daniel A Widomski  1969
Peter R Wiesneifski  1970
John M Wike  1970
Richard D Williams  1968
Robert D Williams Jr.  1966
Francis D Wills  1966
William B Wilson  1969
Richard J Wilt  1968
Michael V Wright  1968
Maximo Yabes  1967
Raymond Yazzie  1969
George A Young  1970
Joseph A Zuniga  1968

Listed alphabetically by day of loss  

Daily Wall: February 25

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I plan on listing them all, day by day, until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Albert Ward Smarr Jr.

Leon Delbert Eckhart


Maxie E Ackerman  1968
Ronald P Akins  1968
Arthur L Andrews  1969
Clarence J Babin Jr.  1969
Tommie Baines  1971
Michael B Baptiste  1968
Joe W Barnes  1967
Jeffrey M Barron  1969
Arthur W Bartlett Sr.  1969
David A Barton  1971
Douglas B Bastyr  1969
Martin T Batchelor Jr.  1969
Joseph C Battle  1968
Bobbie R Baxter  1970
Lawrence F Beals  1968
Donnell Bell  1968
James E Bentley Jr.  1968
Harold D Biller  1969
Frederick A Billingham Jr.  1968
James C Blount  1968
Jesse J Bolton  1966
Michael J Brellenthin  1968
Franklin V Brodnik  1966
Robert H Brogan  1969
Barton W Brooks  1968
Joe H Brown  1968
James R Bruder  1968
Richard C Brunn  1969
Franklin D Bryan  1969
Keith C Buckingham  1969
Michael C Burns  1969
Michael T Calandrino  1969
Daniel D Callahan  1968
John B Causey  1966
Lester E Chambers  1968
Chad A Charlesworth  1970
Kenneth F Chastine  1968
Kenneth W Claire  1968
Ronnie L Clark  1968
David E Clarke  1972
Doyle G Clay  1968
Francis W Cody  1969
Robert A Coffey  1969
William A Coggeshall  1967
Peter Cogill  1967
Noble Collins Jr.  1968
Jerry L Collister  1968
Clifford D Combs  1969
Thomas J Cooney  1968
Bruce W Curtis  1969
Kendell D Cutbirth  1967
Walton G Daley  1969
Kenneth Davis  1969
Dennis A Davison  1971
William C Dayton  1967
Larry A Dela Rosa Jr.  1968
Odell Dickens  1969
Thomas G Dickson  1970
Lawrence A Dirnberger  1967
Jerry L Dodson  1968
Lawrence G Donaldson  1969
Gerald T Douglass Jr.  1968
Leon D Eckhart  1967
Samuel A Eklofe  1969
Donovan K Elwell  1967
Richard J Faulkner  1968
William C Fenceroy  1967
Peter J Filipiak  1968
Mark J Fitzgerald  1972
Raymond L Flint  1969
Douglas B Forsberg  1969
Howard T Fox  1969
William J Franks  1967
Jesse C Frey  1970
Robert G Galbreath  1972
Steven V Garcia  1969
Juan Gaston  1969
Charles C Geller  1968
William A Gibson  1968
Kenneth R Gilliam  1969
Floyd H Goff  1971
Jose L Gonzalez  1969
Adolfo Gonzalez-Lopez  1971
Robert H Granoff  1967
Louis F Griffin  1969
Joseph E Griffis  1967
Thomas N Grose  1969
Dennis F Gulich  1968
William A Gunnells  1972
Marvin L Hall  1972
John T Hare  1969
Joseph L Hart  1967
Charles E Hassler Jr.  1967
Phillips Hayes III  1968
Robert L Heard  1968
Richard W Heim  1969
Manuelito L Herrera  1968
Arnold Hilb-Schelein  1969
Carl W Hill  1969
Verlin D Holderby  1968
Russell J Holland  1969
Rodger D Holmes  1969
Douglas A Howard  1972
Ernest C Howle  1969
William E Huff  1968
Gordon K Hughes  1968
William H Hunt  1969
Lemuel Isabelle  1969
Donald Jacques  1968
Michael L Jenkins  1969
Alan P Johnson  1970
Arthur A Johnson  1967
Gerald Johnson  1971
Phil D Johnson  1969
Stanley Johnson  1968
Edward A Johnson Jr.  1971
Roosevelt Johnson Jr.  1969
David N Johnston  1972
Bruce E Jones  1968
Roman L Jones  1972
William B Jones  1969
Robert E Karr  1967
Edward Kasnow  1968
Harry D Kellar  1969
Norman W Kellum  1969
Roger M Kittleson  1969
Chester J Kozdron  1969
Larry W Kraft  1968
Ronald L Kustaborder  1968
Michael J Laderoute  1968
James F Laird  1969
Walter L Lamarr  1969
Richard L Lanctot  1969
Dennis E Lane  1968
Lewis N Langford  1968
John A Lassiter  1968
Donald R Lewis  1969
Leslie R Lewis  1968
James D Logan  1969
John Lopez  1969
Peter M Lopez Jr.  1971
Phillip A Lotta  1966
Marion W Lyons  1969
Samuel C Macon  1969
John J Magee  1968
David A Mallory  1969
Michael K Maloney  1971
Ronald J Manca  1972
William C Marsh  1968
Charles T Martin  1968
Robert A McCarthy  1969
George McClelland  1968
Richard B McDaniel  1968
Henry McDonald III  1968
Thomas H McGrath  1969
Richard W McKenzie  1968
Kim E Meads  1968
Clarence S Miller  1969
Tommy N Miller  1969
Lloyd W Moore  1968
Charles K Moran Jr.  1965
William D Morgan  1972
Robert B Mossgrove  1970
Patrick J Muraca  1969
William L Newsome  1968
George A Odiorne  1970
Joseph B Oliphant Jr.  1969
Frank D Ortega  1968
Porfirio M Ovalle Jr.  1969
Earl E Parker  1968
Thomas E Parker  1969
George Parounagian Jr.  1968
Robert L Pearson  1970
Glover A Peeler III  1967
David D Peoples Jr.  1971
James D Peschel  1969
William T Pittman  1968
Victor L Poor  1969
Calvin R Prater  1969
James I Pratt  1965
Gerald Przybylinski  1969
Luis A Quinones-Rodriquez  1971
Randolph R Ramsey  1969
Frederick R Ratliff Jr.  1969
Fred L Ricard Jr.  1969
Jeffry R Riek  1970
Arnold J Rivera  1968
Joe L Rivera  1970
Charles E Robena  1968
Nathan L Robinson  1968
Royce E Roe  1969
Roy J Rogers  1970
Heriberto Romero-Oyola  1967
James M Root  1969
Gustavo Rotger Jr.  1968
Willie J Ruff  1968
David L Rutgers  1969
Robinson Santiago  1969
Bruce A Saunders  1969
Richard M Scala  1968
David C Scarbrough  1968
Joseph R Schnell  1969
Daniel R Schueren  1968
James E Scott  1969
Walter P Seel Jr.  1969
Allen M Sharp  1969
Michael D Sheahan  1968
Stephen A Shelley  1968
Larry J Sikorski  1969
Robert L Simmons  1968
Edward Singleton Jr.  1968
Patrick Skeet  1968
Walter F Skinner  1968
Albert W Smarr Jr  1972
Carey W Smith  1969
Douglas W Smith  1968
James E Smith  1969
Willie F Smith  1969
Nicholes Sochacki  1966
Richard K Somers  1971
Forrest F Spitler  1968
John R Stevenson  1968
Jerry L Stout  1970
Sidney T Stratton  1968
John M Sullivan  1969
Norman R Suprenant  1969
James K Sutton  1969
Frank A Szymanski IV  1968
James M Termini  1966
Clayton J Theyerl  1968
David E Thomas  1969
James V Thornton  1968
James E Titus  1969
Gearwin P Tousey  1968
Gerald F Tracy  1968
Robert H Trail III  1969
James E Tucker  1969
Larry J Tyler  1968
Kenneth F Underwood  1967
David F Vandercook  1967
Thomas J Vezeau  1970
Thomas D Vincent  1965
Donald J Wade  1967
Martin Walker Jr.  1970
Samuel R Wall  1969
Donald K Walsh  1969
Truman J Walsh  1969
Albert Ward  1968
Thomas C Warner  1969
James E Watson  1967
Ronnel L Waugh  1969
Frederick C Webber  1968
George W Weldy Jr.  1969
James E Wells  1969
Larry A Wessinger  1969
Donald E Whitaker  1968
George D Whitelaw  1968
Robert A Wiedeman  1968
Frederick T Williams  1969
Bobby Wilson  1968
Jerry L Winingham  1968
James E Wise  1969
Clyde W Withee  1966
James A Wood  1968
George W Woodall  1966
William S Woods  1971
Larry L Woodlum  1969
Barry M Wopinski  1968
Michael L Zappia  1969
Gerald D Zawadzki  1969
John M Zelenick  1967
Michael C Zeller  1968

listed alphabetically by day of loss