Sunday, June 11, 2017

Daily Wall: June 11

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.
Merle Edward Estes (Winchester, KY)


Milton R Allerby Jr  1968
Daniel F Andrus  1968
James L Asher  1969
Edwin E Axton  1969
Kenneth A Babb  1966
Michael Bard  1968
Charles M Bear  1969
Quentin R Beecher  1967
Vernon G Bergquist  1970
Wayne W Bernhardt  1968
Wayne Bibbs  1972
David O Biggs  1969
William C Bily  1971
Curtis R Bohlscheid  1967
Daniel H Bolden  1969
William L Bonnell  1967
Emmett L Booth  1967
Kenneth J Bossie  1966
Alexander B Brantley  1969
Dannie G Braswell  1966
David A Brileya  1967
Ronald J Brissette  1966
Dennis E Brown  1966
Harold M Brown  1969
David G Bryan  1966
Russell D Buckner  1969
James G Bulloch  1970
Henry Burch  1966
Kermit E Burkey  1967
James A Burton  1968
William J Caldwell  1966
Gladston Callwood  1968
Thomas S Cameron  1966
Larry D Carlisle  1968
Robert S Castelot  1968
Erasmo C Castillo  1967
Arnold A Chap de Laine Jr  1968
Charles J Chase  1968
Thomas W Chatburn III  1966
Charles D Chomel  1967
Dennis R Christie  1967
Dean E Clinton  1967
Charles G Clitty  1968
Willie Cole Jr  1966
Carlos M Collazo  1969
Toby E Collins  1968
Edward J Colston  1967
Thomas J Conniff  1971
Fergus F Conners Jr  1967
Harold T Cooke  1966
Paul Corr Jr  1969
James A Coy  1965
Harold J Crawford  1969
David M Cronin  1968
Ronald G Crowe  1969
John L Davis  1968
Robert H Davis  1968
Paul G Dawson  1965
Thomas P Dawson  1969
David W DeLaat  1970
Frank F DeMaria Jr  1969
Michael L Dewlen  1968
Bernard W Dickerson Jr  1968
Alvin J Dimond  1965
Roland F DiPolo  1969
John A Dossett Jr  1970
Terry F Drown  1969
Ernest L Duran  1966
Grady L Elder  1966
Merle E Estes  1965
Michael L Ewing  1968
Charlie W Farmer Jr  1969
James D Fazzino  1968
John J Foley III  1967
Charles E Ford  1966
Randolph W ford  1968
Ollie Forte  1968
John M Frambes  1967
Frank R Frost III  1967
Samuel J Ganci  1965
Michael A Garris  1966
Darrell F Gaskins  1967
Stephen J Geer  1970
Paul J Gonzales  1969
Jose J Gonzalez  1967
Charles D Green  1969
Robert S Grosshart  1968
William J Gulley  1970
James E Hackett  1972
Jack L Hager  1969
Thomas M Hanratty  1967
Phillip D Hardy  1968
Paul R Harrison  1968
Michael W Havranek  1967
Gordon A Hawkins  1968
Kenneth J Hawkins  1968
James R Hicks  1967
Michael E Hicks  1969
James E Hill  1968
Terry L Hochstetler  1972
Freddy L Holloway  1969
Arnold E Holm Jr  1972
Mylon R Hopkins  1969
Stuart G Hostetter  1969
Robert J Irwin  1968
Terry L Ivener  1968
Johnny Jackson  1971
Donald W Jacobs  1968
Louis A Jefferson  1966
Donel R Johnson  1966
Edward Johnson  1969
Oliver Johnson  1966
Sam Jones  1968
Thomas H Jones  1968
David e Kenney  1969
Gordon T Kimbrell Jr  1970
Donald M Klemm  1967
James K Koehler  1967
James W Kooi  1967
Harry G Kunkler III  1969
David H Lalich  1968
George W Large  1968
Jesse H Lawson  1965
Charles E Lee  1968
Jack C Lee  1969
Conrad Lerman  1968
Robert L Lockhart  1969
Glen D Lofton  1966
Jerry W Looney  1966
John C Lowe  1967
Edward R Luckert  1967
John B Lyle  1969
Peter Lynch  1969
Charles R Manarel  1969
Willard D Marshall  1968
Arthur J Martin  1969
Robert C McAndrew  1970
Kenneth J McKenna Jr  1970
James R McQuade  1972
Humberto C Melendez  1969
Herman R Meneely  1966
Franklin D Meyer  1970
David G Michel  1969
John E Miller  1966
Richard L Miller  1969
Karl W Mills  1969
Robin P Milovich  1967
Richard A Mitchell  1968
Wilber D Monroe  1968
Manuel G Montalvo  1967
Stanley L Moore  1966
Raymond C Mora  1968
Jim E Moshier  1967
Ivan H Munro  1969
Clayton W Neaves  1970
James R Nelson  1967
Tim A Noe  1966
Clae T Norman  1966
John S Oldham  1967
Bobby G Oliver  1969
Duane E Olson  1969
Willie Overstreet Jr  1968
James R Page  1967
Edward V Palmenta  1969
John B Parker  1969
Joseph L Parks  1967
Robert H Pearson  1967
James W Phair  1966
James A Phipps  1968
Floyd L Pitre  1969
Roy S Pitt  1966
Dwight A Price  1968
Jack R Price  1966
Harvey J Profitt  1966
David M Pruitt  1968
Ernest L Ramsey  1970
Richard M Randolph  1969
Theodore P Raymond  1968
Daniel G Reid  1969
Richard R Revoir  1969
Robert G Reynolds  1967
Ronald Richards  1966
Thomas F Riggs  1967
Thomas J Riley  1969
Loyd E Robinson  1971
Randall C Robinson  1969
Charlie Robinson Jr  1969
Moses Rodgers  1969
Harvey T Ross Jr  1970
Raymond R Schifrin  1969
Robert G Sekva  1969
Jessie E Shannon  1966
Edward J Shaughnessy  1969
Charles H Shelton  1966
Ralph Simon  1966
Bernard J Snead Jr  1968
Gary R Stahlecker  1969
Herbert N Stehle  1968
Dennis A Stephens  1970
David W Stewart  1966
Milo B Stibbins  1965
Douglas G Strickland  1969
James C Strube  1969
Michael T Sukara  1966
Franklin J Sumich  1967
Dennis R Tabor  1966
Alonzo H Taylor  1970
Thomas E Taylor  1970
Raymond W Templeton  1968
John R Thompson  1966
Rex E Thornley  1970
Terry L Thornton  1969
Bruce H Tibbetts  1969
Terrence R Titus  1965
Raymond R Uhl  1970
Ralph E Uhlmansiek  1967
Gary A Utriainen  1970
Jose H Velasquez  1967
Franz X Wallner  1966
James M Wandro  1969
Johnny L Webb  1970
Russell J Weekley  1968
Charles C White  1969
James E Widener  1967
Clark L Williams  1968
J C Williams  1966
Norman C Williams  1965
Joel T Willis  1967
Roger E Wilson  1972
Roy A Winter  1968
Gerard T Wolterman  1968
Michael G Worley  1969
Edward T Wright  1968
Billy J Wyatt  1968
Robin R Yeakley  1972
Glenn J Zamorski  1968
Donald J Zastowsky  1969
Fred J Zyck  1969

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