Monday, June 19, 2017

Daily Wall: June 19

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Troy Bethea (Seattle, WA)


Dennis J Adamski  1967
Francis R Addis  1970
Jerry L Addis  1968
Robert C Aguado  1967
James J Ahrens  1969
Herbert M Allen  1968
Jerry J Allen  1970
Gordon G Anderson  1970
William P Arthur  1970
Harold A Atcher  1965
Richard D Baca  1969
John R Ball  1965
Gilbert R Bargmann  1969
David R Bartholomew  1968
John P Batterson Jr  1969
Fred G Bertolino  1967
Ronald L Best  1968
Troy Bethea  1969
Carl J Bieker  1969
Dwight T Blackwater  1971
Frederick D Blackwell  1969
William A Blewitt Jr  1968
John R Bloschichak  1970
Paul A Boguski  1968
Francis A Bond  1970
Richard A Bradley  1966
Thomas J Bradley  1969
Dennis W Brown  1967
John S Brown  1968
John W Brown  1970
Garry L Burgess  1966
Lloyd L Buzzard  1969
Robert J Cara  1967
Gary W Carlson  1969
Leroy C Cech  1970
Luther M Chappel  1969
Harold R Christensen  1969
Larry R Clark  1969
Ralph J Clime  1969
Richard W Cole  1969
David B Collins  1969
Patrick A Connelly  1968
Bobby L Corns  1967
Jack E Cossins  1967
Charles M Cotton  1968
Harvey C Crabtree Jr  1969
Robert E Craythorne  1967
Raymond D Crowder Jr  1967
Donald J Curtin  1969
James R Daniel  1969
David Deitch  1969
William J Dillon  1967
George R Dover  1969
John R Dowling  1968
Lloyd J Downs  1969
Harvey A Duhy Jr  1969
Glenn H Dusbabek  1968
Richard T Dutro  1968
Allen N Engel  1967
Edward L Fails Jr  1967
Wayne S Fielden  1967
Anthony H Figueroa Jr  1969
Russell L Filiberti  1967
Hubert J Fink  1967
Reginald W Fitchett  1971
Kenneth D Frakes  1967
Tim L Fritze  1968
James R Fry Jr  1968
William M Geier  1967
Raymond W Godwin  1967
Robert W Golden  1966
Paul E Good  1967
Thomas L Gordon  1967
Craig Haberlein  1969
Jeffery H Hall  1968
Wilbur L Hallock Jr  1968
Edward M Hardwick  1969
Monte R Harper  1967
Glenn S Haukeness Jr  1969
John W Haynes  1971
Michael D Helmstetler  1968
Robert K Henderson Jr  1970
David F Henry  1967
Kenneth W Hicks  1968
Charles J Hildenbrand  1967
John R Hill  1967
James G Hinch  1967
Randy V Hines  1971
Robert L Hively  1969
James D Hoag  1969
Calvin G Hunt  1969
Elijah Ingram  1969
B C Izard  1968
Robert J Jindra  1967
Herbert L Johnson  1970
Michael J Johnson  1968
Timothy A Johnson  1967
David W Jorgensen  1968
Patrick D Kadow  1970
Philip A Kalhagen  1970
Arlan J Kennedy Jr  1968
Garland B King Jr  1969
Carl S Kizer  1968
William J Kuhns  1969
Neftale J Laboy  1968
Larry R Ladd  1970
Blaine W Landers  1967
Keith W Larimer  1969
Lawrence R Lasiter  1967
Donald E Layfield  1970
Thomas I Ledbetter  1964
John P Lee  1967
John J Link  1968
Paul F Little  1969
Leonardo Lopez-Vasquez  1968
David G Lucas  1965
Richard C Lundy  1967
David A Madden  1969
Eugene L Manselle III  1968
Joseph T Martin  1967
Robert T Martin Jr  1969
Henry D Mathews  1969
Fredric C McCaskill  1968
Hobart W McComas Jr  1967
Roy C McEwen  1966
Kenneth L McFall  1969
Joseph R McIlvoy  1969
Charles A McKinney  1968
Robert A McLoughlin Jr  1968
Charles E McRae  1966
Ruben D Mercado-Gutierrez  1968
George D Miller  1967
Steven R Miller  1967
Vincent G Moeller  1966
Donald D Morris  1967
Eddie L Moton Jr  1967
Bobby L Murphy  1967
Howard H Nelson  1971
James M Nesselrotte  1969
Michael W Notermann  1970
Daniel T Nutly  1967
Daniel G O'Connell  1969
Robert W O'Keefe  1969
Paul L Oakes Jr  1968
Larry R Olson  1968
Jerrold S Pearlstein  1969
Gerald A Phillips  1968
Bernard L Pierce  1969
Robert H Pilk  1970
Ignacio Portugal Jr  1967
Bobby W Price  1967
John H Priest Jr  1969
Michael E Prothero  1968
James L Purser  1965
John V Quintal  1968
David S Raine  1967
George Randolph  1967
Bobbie J Ratliff  1967
Willie J Rhodes  1967
Cameron A Rice  1967
Andrew J Richard  1968
John J Rieck Jr  1967
Arthur P Roberson  1971
David A Robin  1967
Israel Rodriguez  1969
Alan M Rouchon  1969
Geoffrey T Rowson  1968
Ronald J Saiz  1967
Ernest S Sakai  1968
Roberto Samaniego  1965
Daniel J Sandstedt  1967
Frederick W Schaeffer  1967
Paul H Schaeffer  1969
Sheldon B Schulman  1967
Wayne T Schumacher  1967
Marvin Scott  1968
William N Scott  1967
Lloyd A Sellers III  1967
Victor T Shaffer  1969
William P Shaffer  1967
Lufkin S Sharp  1968
Luis J Simancas  1969
Ronald E Simpson  1969
William J Sippel  1967
William D Sisler  1968
Kazimierz H Slomiany  1967
Fred S Smart  1970
James B Smith  1967
Michael V Sorter  1968
John D St. Peters  1967
Bobby D Stanley  1968
Robert F Steele  1970
Clyde W Stephens  1967
Edward H Stevens  1967
Rnald R Stewart  1970
Merill L Suedmeyer  1967
James L Talley  1965
Leonard V Tedesco  1967
Kenneth R Temples  1968
Fiatele T Teo  1971
Charles E Thornton  1970
Ronald G Trogdon  1967
Stephen D van Dyke  1969
Robert E Veach  1968
Joseph S Vesely Jr  1966
Raymond A Voss  1969
Albert C Wall Jr  1969
Harry A Walling  1964
Johnny M Watson  1970
Jackie D Weatherly  1967
Barry K Weaver  1970
Ronald A Wenzl  1972
Jeffrey S Wesolowski  1971
Noel T West  1967
Richard E White  1968
Burr M Willey  1972
Robert A Williams  1969
Fred Wilson  1968
Jon R Winger  1968
John L Winters  1967
David M Wood  1967
Gary D Woods  1968
James T Woods  1969
Robert F Wright  1967
Robert G Zink  1968
Philip O Zum Mallen Jr  1967

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