Friday, June 2, 2017

Daily Wall: June 2

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Daniel Lee Harmon (Kodiak, AK)


Jose Q Aguon  1968
William H Amspacher Jr  1965
Joseph W Axford  1967
Ronald G Babich  1967
Lyman C Bach  1969
Charles C Bailey  1968
Michael O Baker  1969
Scott D Baldwin  1969
Ignacio Barela  1967
Duane R Baumgardner  1969
Harry J Beadle Jr  1968
Normand L Beaulieu  1967
Thomas J Berning  1970
William D Bloomfield  1969
Michael D Bohrman  1970
Stephen W Bowman  1968
Bruce E Boyer  1967
Conley A Bradshaw  1968
Richard L Brech  1969
Murry L Britton  1969
Gerald F Brown  1968
Warren F Brown  1969
Arthur Broxton Jr  1966
Jay Q Buckwalter III  1968
Douglas M Burnett  1966
David G Campbell  1970
Daniel L Carrier  1967
Miguel Castro-Carrasquillo  1966
John L Catton  1967
Michael H Cavanagh  1969
Larry V Chmiel  1967
David M Christian  1965
Donald R Christy  1967
John L Clark  1970
Peter A Clavio Jr  1968
Ronald A Coleman  1968
Albert E Cook  1968
Thomas E Craig  1967
John D Crews Jr  1968
Emmett L Davis  1969
Jackie L Dickens  1969
Dennis E Dillon  1968
David L Dixon  1967
Mark S Dreier  1969
William J Duncan  1968
Leonard E Dutcher  1968
Rickey D Dycus  1969
David R Elliott  1969
Kenneth R Endsley  1967
Ruben English  1967
Joseph S Escobar  1967
Colie Etheridge Jr  1968
Joe W Eubanks  1972
John H Farley  1969
Charles D Farrell  1968
Jerry L Fields  1966
Alejandro F Fierro  1967
Kevin P Forcum  1971
Robert G Galloway  1968
Robert E Garey  1966
Jeffrey L Geldin  1969
James V Gibson  1970
Thomas O Gilbert  1966
Clem C Giles  1968
Gary L Giles  1970
Leonard E Giles  1967
James R Gilmore Jr  1969
Joseph M Giusta  1970
Albert Graham Jr  1967
Herve J Guay  1968
Marvin J Gude  1969
Darrell W Hanson  1970
Thomas J Harbour  1968
Daniel L Harmon  1967
Daniel W Harrison  1970
Richard E Hiester  1965
William W Hence  1968
John Hensley  1969
Joshua Hickman  1967
James L Hill  1968
Dennis E Hoffman  1967
James M Hoffman  1968
Gerald C Hunsbarger III  1966
Jimmie C Hutcherson  1966
Paul C Janto  1969
Thomas E Johnson  1970
Robert L Jones  1968
David M Jordan  1967
John J Katona Jr  1967
Danny J Keith  1967
Brian R Kelly  1969
Danny R King  1971
Arnold J Kulhanek  1970
Joseph G LaPointe Jr  1969
Billy J Lackey  1968
Michael A Lamusga  1971
Richard M Lombardo  1967
Rickie Luker  1968
Kenneth B Luttel  1970
Werner E Lutz  1965
Paul J Maciuszek  1967
Steve G Marcombe  1967
Alan R Marsh  1967
Robert H Martin Jr  1969
James F McGoey  1967
Francis R McGowan  1969
M D McMican  1965
Kenneth R McNiell  1969
Howard A Mesoyedz  1966
James E Millirons  1967
Michael P Minehan  1968
David E Mitchell  1970
Joe Montez  1967
Michael Montijo  1969
Willie L Morgan Jr  1968
Joe Moya  1967
Jack E Muisener  1968
Harold B Nelson  1966
Philip F Nestico  1968
Fred G O'Malley  1967
Steven I Olney  1968
George R Palermo  1969
Philip O Parrish  1967
Danny L Paul  1967
Thomas L Plants  1965
Jessie G Poe  1968
Donald J Porter  1969
William R Porter  1970
George H Potts  1971
Robert L Poxon  1969
Leroy P Prairie  1966
James H Presley  1968
Garry O Price  1967
Dennis G Prince  1969
Daniel L Pucci  1969
Dennis M Ramon  1968
Fidel Ramos Jr  1967
Michael A Rasmusson  1970
William A Rawson  1967
Jimmie L Reed  1969
Raymond A Renz  1967
Thomas E Riley  1968
Alton C Rockett Jr  1967
Manuel Rodriguez Jr  1969
Gerald M Romano  1965
Joseph F Rosato  1966
Delbert L Ryan  1966
Emanuel L Saunders  1969
Joseph R Scott  1969
Joseph J Seller  1967
William A Sinchak  1967
Arthur D Sinksen  1968
Edward L Sizelove  1968
Audron L Smith  1968
James G Smith  1968
Ralph E Smith  1967
Ralph W Smith  1967
Wilbur A Smith  1969
Lloyd M Starkey  1968
James M Stokes  1970
Timothy L Strohm  1968
Frederick N Suttle Jr  1972
Kennard E Svanoe  1969
Mark R Taylor  1971
Preston Taylor Jr  1969
Neal R Thalin  1967
James E Theisen  1967
Edgar D Thomas  1971
Savas E Trevino  1969
Richard F Triske  1968
Sam R Trizza Jr  1967
Peter Tsirovasiles  1966
Dennis Tuinstra  1969
Douglas R Ulm  1970
Ray L Ulrich  1969
Barry L Unfried  1969
John R van Horn  1968
Joseph T Vandevender  1968
Ray L van Zandt  1967
Michael J Verstraete  1971
Raymond Villalpando Jr  1968
Andrew J Wang  1968
David A Washburn  1968
Paul F Weber  1969
George D Weeks  1966
David H Weller  1967
Harold F Werle  1967
Robert L West  1968
Avery Wilder  1968
Randall L Williams  1968
James E Wood  1967
Rex S Wood  1967

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