Thursday, July 13, 2017

Daily Wall: June 30

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.
We will never forget.

Lawrence Brendan Ryan (New York, NY)


Merlin R Allen  1967
Odis D Arnold  1961
Larry D Austin  1968
Roy D Bailey  1966
Arthur C Ballew  1968
Richard R Banks  1966
David E Baun  1966
Marvin E Bell  1970
Phillip W Bridges  1971
Delbert E Brimmer  1969
Gordon F Browne  1968
William R Buckley  1966
Fred Buffington  1968
John L Burgess  1970
Richard C Busby Jr  1968
Anthony J Cabot Jr  1969
Howard E Caffery  1970
Arnoldo J Cardenas  1966
Richard A Carter  1967
William B Cawthorne  1964
Legrande O Cole Jr  1967
Robert J Coleman  1969
Juan Colon-Diaz  1970
William F Covey Jr  1965
Eugene T Cox  1969
Gerald C Daley  1969
Josephus Daniels  1969
Michael F Dean  1970
James V Denham  1968
Merle A Dentino  1970
Terry E Diffenderfer  1968
Freddy D Dodson  1964
Paul A Dodson Sr  1971
Leslie F Douglas Jr  1970
George B Dukes  1968
Richard Dyer  1970
James F Elkin  1970
David A Ferraro  1966
John C Fields  1968
John W Finch  1965
Donnith H Fletcher  1970
Gerald J Flieger  1969
Michael E Fowler  1969
Richard H Freudenthal  1967
Jerald D Fritz  1966
Eddie L Garcia  1969
Edward H Gernert  1969
George T Gibner  1969
Ronald A Gilly  1967
Thomas A Goddeau  1967
John W Goeglein  1970
John D Gollahon  1968
Ronald H Hall  1971
Rex D Harlow  1969
James C Henneberry  1965
Charles R Hester  1970
Donald Hicks  1968
David K Hight  1968
Gordon C Hill  1970
Gerald C Hinsdale  1971
Richard P Holien  1966
Phillip M Horst  1970
Wayne S Horvath  1969
John A House II  1967
John R Houston  1971
Mark J Houston  1971
Luther H Howard  1967
James T Hufstetler  1967
John W Hulme  1969
Steve L Inboden  1970
Paul L Jenkins  1970
Christopher P Johnson  1967
Frank W Jones  1968
Howard W Jones  1967
James W Jones  1969
Michael B Judd  1967
William G Kane Jr  1968
John D Killen III  1967
Stephen L Klein  1970
James A Klyne  1969
Wayne W Knupp  1968
Dale R Koch  1967
Gary L Lewis  1971
Donald R Long  1966
Harry W Love Jr  1965
Glen C Ludban  1969
Larry D McKinnon  1967
Charles H Mills  1966
Bobby L Morden  1966
John D Morgan  1966
Patrick B Morris  1971
John D Morrissey  1969
Jimmy F Nabours  1970
Noel S Nelson  1967
Stewart W Oberle  1969
Bruce G Ockey  1967
Peter E Odenweller  1966
Steven C Oneal  1971
Lester E Parker  1970
Joseph E Parker Jr  1965
Ronald O Patterson  1966
Ernest E Perez  1966
Thomas J Pool  1967
Glen E Poteet  1969
John D Powell Jr  1968
Franz D Prediger  1966
Stephen K Ramos  1970
Lawrence Raspberry  1969
Ronald E Robertson  1969
Andrew J Rogus Jr  1970
Glyn L Runnels Jr  1967
Lawrence B Ryan  1968
Robert J Sabatini  1971
Mitchell O Sadler Jr  1970
William S Sanders  1970
Leroy C Schaneberg  1970
George A Scorsone  1968
Garry M Shannon  1970
Danny L Smith  1966
Earl Smith  1966
James H Sparks  1967
Jerome E Tucker  1969
Bernard E Turner  1965
Larry C Vallelonga  1969
Walter W Vinson  1967
Clovis B Walker  1969
Gerald L Walters  1968
Michael R Waters  1970
Eddy E White  1970
Larry J White  1969
Stephen M White  1972
William C Whitehead Jr  1968
Eddie K Williams  1966
Paul R Windle  1965
James H Workman  1969
Joseph W Yingling Jr  1971
Harry J Yost  1966
Philip P Zylko  1968

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