Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Daily Wall: July 7

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.
We will never forget.

Alain Joseph Tremblay (Hempstead, NY)


Bruce J Allen  1967
Kenneth R Anderson  1967
Howard J Anduha  1966
John Antonace Jr  1968
Paul A Avolece  1967
Gerald L Baldwin  1968
Charles A Ballauf  1967
Raymond Bateman  1968
William A Battle  1968
James W Bedell  1969
Charles D Bennett  1968
Warren L Bibbs  1968
David F Bittenbender  1967
Charles H Blankenship  1967
Donald R Blankenship  1968
David L Bonesteel  1969
Kenneth C Boudreaux  1966
John H Brock  1972
Steven K Brooks  1969
Marshall Burke Jr  1968
John P Burns  1965
Marlin L Callies  1968
George W Casey  1970
William L Christenson  1970
Ronald D Coleman  1968
Bruce E Coley  1969
Kenneth W Cooper  1970
Wilbur L Cosson  1967
Harold A Cox  1968
Hugh Coyle  1968
William J Crumm  1967
Robert C Dambeck  1967
Thomas W Damm  1970
Glen V Davey  1967
Richard R Davis  1967
Ronnie L Davis  1969
John B Davis III  1966
Harland M Davis Jr  1972
William W Davis Jr  1967
Thomas A Derosier  1967
Charles J Dickey  1968
Robert G Dodson  1968
Phillip R Duff  1972
David M Duranceau  1967
Carroll W Eaves  1968
Lavaughan Elliott  1968
Manuel A Fernandez  1972
John H Ferril II  1967
David A Fielding  1968
Bobby L Foreman  1967
Ronald F Fuller  1970
Donald M Furr  1968
Jack A Fuson  1967
Thomas D Gillaspy  1970
Charles J Glenn III  1967
James A Goodman  1968
Bobby E Gray  1970
Leonard G Greville  1969
Michael J Grimm  1970
Anthony W Grundy  1968
Anthony J Gustin  1966
John W Hamm  1966
Timothy W Hansley  1969
Ned H Harris  1970
Ronald J Haupt  1969
David M Haveard  1970
Gerald R Henry  1967
Rudolph V Hernandez  1965
Dewey W Heroy  1969
William E Herring  1967
Ivory Hill Jr  1968
Floyd Holifield Jr  1968
John T Holton Jr  1968
Robert B Horton  1968
John A Hottell III  1970
Donald F Hovanec  1969
David L Howard  1965
Lewis Howard Jr  1970
A T Howell  1966
Gstlin J Howell  1967
Donald C Johns  1968
Allen I Johnson  1965
McArthur Johnson  1965
Paul E Johnson  1969
Paul K Johnston  1968
George E Jones  1967
Thomas P Keogh  1972
Thomas R Keppen  1968
James D Knowles  1969
Michael J Knox  1971
Kenneth B Kooser  1967
Patrick D Kopp  1968
Frederick M Koss  1972
Robert J Kubinciak  1967
John L Kuktelionis  1966
Raymond P Kurtik  1969
Jerald L Law  1968
Frank Levato  1969
Stephen H Lewis  1968
Richard H Lopez  1967
James T Love  1968
Thomas J Lyons  1969
Dana L Mace  1969
John W Manning  1969
Raymond R Mays  1971
Booker T McCoy Jr  1966
Olen B McLaughlin  1967
Thomas M McLaughlin  1967
David L Meadows  1970
Raymond P Meehan  1965
Luis R Mercado-Collado  1968
William F Michel  1970
Horace G Mitchell Jr  1066
John B Moreno  1968
Peter Moskos  1967
Ronald J Natalie  1970
Heyward W Nedd  1966
Ronald E Newell  1969
James L O'Hara  1969
Glenn R Ogburn  1967
Victor L Paine  1966
Charles P Panquerne  1971
Stanley F Patterson  1967
William G Pendley  1968
Billy E Perry  1969
William V Pharris  1966
Dennis L Phillips  1966
Richard N Pinsonnault  1968
David W Qualls  1967
Andrew C Rabaiotti  1967
Curtis H Ransdell  1966
Durward F Ray  1965
Kenneth N Reber  1970
Gregory K Reeves  1968
William K Regan  1968
Johnie E Rice Jr  1965
Joseph R Riebli  1967
Gerald L Risinger  1970
Harley R Roberts  1968
Leonard Robertson  1972
Sharber M Rowe  1968
Leslie W Royall III  1968
Robert J Ruggiero  1966
Thomas A Sanders  1965
Charles E Sauer  1967
David W Shaffner  1969
David J Sharp  1968
Leonard C Sharpley  1968
John D Shaw  1965
Paul H Sheehan  1969
Paul J Simon  1967
Wilmer F Simpkins  1968
Danny R Simpson  1966
Michael E Singer  1968
Thomas J Sizemore  1969
Charles E Smith  1969
Michael B Smith  1967
Vernon K Smolik Jr  1970
Donald J Soby  1967
Thomas T Sprinkle  1968
Wladyslaw Staniszewski  1967
Charley V Stanley  1968
Curtis A Stephens  1969
Roger L Stroud  1968
Ivra A Tatum  1967
Harold Taylor  1967
Lee R Taylor  1967
Joseph E Thomas  1968
Alain J Tremblay  1968
James F Tritt  1967
Shelby M Trotter  1969
Hilario P Villanueva  1967
Russell D Wake  1968
Carl L Walker  1969
Thomas R Walsh  1967
Harold L Walton  1968
Glendon L Waters  1967
Kenneth G Watson  1968
William P Weber  1968
Wallace B Werner  1968
G W Whitaker  1966
Joel Williams Jr  1967
Don I Williamson  1965
Donald C Wilson  1968
Lawrence W Wilson  1967
Robert F Woodhouse Jr  1970
David D Wright  1969
Danny K Yelley  1969
Colon D Young  1969
Ronald L Zinn  1965

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