Monday, May 22, 2017

Daily Wall: May 22

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

John Raymond Jackson (Denver, CO)


James L Abler  1970
John Q Adam  1968
Arthur P Adame  1970
Charles F Armentrout  1970
Robert W Arnold  1969
Randall R Aylworth  1967
Kenneth F Backus  1967
Lee M Barger  1968
Junior W Barr  1968
William K Batchelder  1967
James N Bauer  1967
Robert L Beaver  1970
Earl P Beeching  1969
Gerald D Behlke  1967
Denver J Berkheimer  1968
Ralph W Bigelow  1970
William R Bissell  1968
Darrell D Bratton  1968
Billy M Brister  1968
Davis F Brown  1968
Johnny L Bryant  1969
Thomas J Burke  1967
Merlin F Caldwell  1967
David B Camacho  1968
David J Canales  1966
Gary L Carle  1967
Frederick J Carraturo  1967
Joseph A Cerio  1970
Jerry L Chambers  1968
Anthony L Clark  1970
William M Clarke Jr  1968
Lionel T Clover  1968
Russell W Condon  1965
Ralph W Conners Jr  1969
Calvin E Cooke  1969
Joe R Courtney Jr  1968
Clarence Creaghead  1969
Robert L Crews  1968
John H Crews III  1968
Harold M Crowe  1971
John L Croy  1969
Robert H Crum Jr  1966
Johnny M Cruz  1969
Pedro A Cruz  1967
Michael G Cryar  1966
George P Custer  1967
Joseph V Czajkowski  1968
Maximiliano Davila-Torres  1970
Thomas C de Palma  1969
Micheal E de Voe  1966
Charles R Dean Jr  1966
Carlos A Dela Hoz  1968
Alejandor Diaz  1968
Alonzo L Dixon  1968
Gale W Dixon  1968
John T Donahue  1970
Gary A Dore  1971
William F Duffner  1970
Joseph W Durkin Jr  1966
Wallace S Dworaczyk  1967
Gerald L Elliott  1968
Norman A Emineth  1970
David J Ewing  1969
Harold A Ford  1967
Lawrence E Foster  1966
Vincent J Gabriel Jr  1967
Thomas C Garrett III  1966
Antonio G Garza Jr  1967
Calvin C Glover  1968
Raleigh L Godley  1966
Andres A Gonzalez  1968
Alfred R Gregory  1967
George Guerra Jr  1968
John H Halman Jr  1968
William B Hamacher  1968
Clyde R Hamby  1968
Robert E Harris  1968
Joseph M Hartl  1970
Charles W Haskell  1968
Ulysses C Hassell  1969
Anthony D Hatcher  1968
Neil B Hayes Jr  1970
Rolando Hernandez  1968
Pedro Herring  1970
Jerry W Heskett  1969
Robert L Hicks  1968
Steven G Hicks  1968
Charles A Hilbert  1969
Joe R Hines  1968
Jonny Hines  1970
Dennis L Holm  1967
Jim M Holmes  1970
Lester E Holmes  1967
Gerald D Hoover  1966
Duane F Horgan  1968
John E Huestis  1969
William B Hughes  1968
John R Jackson  1969
Ralford J Jackson  1969
Julius E Jenkins  1967
William N Jensen Jr  1970
David M Jolley Jr  1966
Charles A Jones  1969
James E Joshua Jr  1968
Donald L Justice  1968
Daniel J Keating Jr  1968
Bernard J Kelley  1965
Edmund J Kelly  1968
Frank J Kiewlen Jr  1969
Charles S Kirkland Jr  1968
Thomas E Knebel  1968
John E Kochensparger  1966
Allan J Korom  1966
Ronald I Krauss  1965
Christopher L Kurtz  1968
Valentino J LaScola Jr  1970
Richard A Larson  1970
Robert E Layman Jr  1968
Richard F Lease  1966
Thomas R Lusher  1971
Frank March Jr  1968
Robert F Marthaler  1970
William H Mason  1968
Clovis L May  1969
George O Mayo  1969
John J McAndrews  1969
Richard A McClain  1968
Harry J McGuire III  1967
William T McPhail  1968
Richard W Meacham Jr  1970
Richard W Mehlhaff  1970
Edward W Metcalf  1971
Gerald E Metcalf  1966
John A Mietus  1967
Thomas B Mitchell  1968
Thomas H Moles  1970
Douglas F Moore  1969
Walter Z Moore Jr  1967
Leonard A Morgan  1967
Clarence L Morris  1967
William D Morrow  1968
David W Moseley  1968
Gary R Mower  1970
James R Muckleroy  1968
Edward T Murphy  1967
Robert L Murphy  1967
Russell D Needham  1967
Daniel E Nelms  1970
Richard D Nelson  1970
Harold J Nicholes  1968
Terrence P O'Brien  1968
David J Ortals  1970
Fred H Osburn Jr  1968
Gary Pate  1968
Steven D Paxson  1969
Gary E Perkins  1966
Errol W Perreira  1969
Elton L Perrine  1967
Clyde R Perry Jr  1969
James W Peterson  1971
Richard D Pickett  1969
Richard D Plumm  1971
Moses L Poindexter  1967
Ralph E Posey  1971
Samuel Proctor Jr  1967
Paul E Proehl  1968
Raymond B Ralls  1968
Micheal W Ramsey  1967
Melvin D Rash  1968
John C Reilly  1970
Jeffery A Richardson  1969
Clair F Ritchey Jr  1968
Allen J Ritter  1966
Angel Rodriguez-Estremera  1966
Ronald R Sagers  1970
Larry J Samples  1968
Angel L Sanchez  1968
Carl W Scallions  1967
Sammy L Scott  1968
Roy G Shaddon  1971
Kenneth C Shemory  1968
Mack D Simmons III  1967
Kenneth L Smith  1969
Philip Smith Jr  1968
Carl C Spangler  1966
Paul E Speaks  1969
Dean P St Pierre  1968
Larry G Stone  1967
Terry G Straub  1967
Randy A Strickland  1969
Harry R Swiger  1965
Lawrence W Theis  1970
Murrel D Thomas  1965
John H Tomeny  1968
Harry M Trammell  1969
Peter L Valencich  1967
Michael Vinassa  1966
Duane A Waklee  1966
Arthur L Waldorf  1968
Fredrick S Walters  1969
Donald E Walters Jr  1967
Ronald W Ward  1967
William Ward  1969
Troy L Waters  1965
Patrick Weber  1971
Victor D Westphall III  1968
James L Wilks  1969
Michael W Williams  1968
Ray Williams  1968
Willard L Williams  1968
Joseph Wilson  1966
Calvin K Wood Jr  1968
Kenneth G Worman  1967
Jerry D Wright  1968
Armando M Zepeda  1971
James L Zimmer  1968

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