Friday, May 12, 2017

Daily Wall: May 12

There are over 58,300 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Charles Edward Collene (Bucyrus, OH)


Steven G Abbott  1968
Gerald R Acton  1969
Samuel Y Adair Jr  1972
Glenn A Adams  1970
Carroll E Adams Jr  1970
Jose J Aguillon  1969
James M Akstin  1967
Paul G Alaniz Jr  1968
Gary L Allen  1968
Richard M Amick  1969
Charlie C Anthony  1969
Alan Asher  1969
Carlos Ashlock  1967
Don L Atkins  1969
Michael A Bailey  1968
Donald K Bakkie  1968
Roy L Baldwin  1969
James V Ballay  1970
Charles L Barbiere  1969
Alfred Barnes  1969
Thomas M Barr  1969
Richard L Basinger  1967
Jerry D Basnett  1967
Barry R Bausch  1969
Larry L Baxter  1969
Robert R Beanner  1968
Arthur L Beaty  1968
David M Beck  1969
Arthur F Bell  1969
Kenneth D Bennett  1970
Philip M Bennett  1970
Richard J Bennett  1969
Allan C Benson  1969
Robert Berntsen  1967
Rick W Bezeau  1968
Ivy L Blair  1968
Lonnie P Bogard  1972
Leonard A Bohner  1967
William D Booth  1970
David J Boron  1969
Richard A Bowers  1968
Edward F Brady III  1970
Curtis Breedlove  1969
David A Brent  1968
Kenneth L Brinks  1969
Lawrence J Bronczyk  1968
Charles L Brown  1969
George A Brown  1969
Bernard L Bucher  1968
William J Burke Jr  1969
Edgardo Caceres  1966
Porter R Cain  1966
Hugh P Caldwell Jr  1969
Ronald E Campbell  1970
John B Capel  1966
John E Carmack  1967
Robert H Carroll  1968
Johnnie Carter Jr  1968
David R Caruso  1968
Charles C Case  1969
John H Cash Jr  1968
Robert G Cevallos  1969
Wayne W Champion  1968
Filiberto Chavez  1969
David E Cherry Jr  1969
Robert Childress Jr  1970
Joseph C Chisholm  1969
Bernard E Clare  1966
William F Clover Jr  1967
Blanchard W Cochrane  1966
Harry B Coen  1968
Robert B Cohen  1968
Fred V Cole  1970
Charles E Collene  1967
Robert W Compton  1969
Donald J Cook  1969
James R Cooper  1971
Ardie R Copas  1970
Gary A Corrie  1969
Gary W Cosgrave  1967
Robert L Cowan III  1969
Gerald W Cox Jr  1968
Howard E Cramblet  1969
Andrew J Craven  1968
Dennis C Cressey  1972
John H Crisp  1969
Thomas W Cummins  1969
George F Dailey  1966
Bennie Dale  1968
Leonard J Dalman  1968
Emmit C Dansby  1968
Michael J Davidson  1967
Steven W de Aro  1969
Ronald de Lorenzo  1969
David E Demings  1969
Neal A Denning  1966
John A Dillard Jr  1970
Phillip R Doerbert  1969
Timothy C Donovan  1969
Charles D Dorman  1968
Edwin A Downs  1969
John W Drane  1969
Theodore G Drew  1970
Peter P Dubiel  1969
Raymond J Dulak Jr  1970
David A Dye  1967
Paul R Edington  1967
William J Eisenhower  1968
John F Eland  1969
Julius R Elliott  1968
James T Elswick Jr  1969
Paul D Elwart  1969
Ralph G Erdely  1966
James H Estergren  1967
Gary A Farlow  1967
Guy V Fearn  1971
Michael D Fields  1969
William M Fields  1969
Richard J Flagiello  1969
Jerry Fletcher  1968
Robert M Fletcher  1968
Troy L Flint  1970
Horacio A Fonseca-Vargas  1970
Charles W Ford  1969
Russell T Ford  1967
Keith K Franklin  1970
Earnest T Freeman  1969
David L Gale  1967
David A Gallion  1970
Edelmiro L Garcia Sr  1971
Donald W Garrett  1969
John M Geary  1967
Thomas H Gentinne  1969
Charles A Geronimo  1968
Raymond A Gibbs  1967
Richard M Goossens  1968
Robert W Gotthardt  1968
William H Gottschalk  1967
James H Gray  1966
Ronald L Gray  1969
Clyde R Green  1969
Robert E Green  1970
Melvin Green Jr  1969
Earl W Grenzebach Jr  1967
Robert E Greth  1969
Dennis M Guilmette  1969
Antonio Guzman-Rios  1968
Marloye K Halgrimson  1969
Lyle W Hansen  1968
Charles W Harbert  1968
Curtis L Hardin  1969
James R Harrison  1969
James W Harter  1969
Lawrence D Harvey  1969
Richard W Haynes  1969
Terry S Hearon  1967
Terry R Heiser  1969
Jonathan Henderson  1968
Gerald E Henry  1969
Frank M Helper  1968
George M Hightower  1966
Paul J Hill  1968
Tyrone Hill  1968
Alvin C Hinson  1969
Horace A Holbrook  1967
Terrance L Hood  1970
Chester L Hopkins  1967
Richard L Hopkins  1969
James R Howell  1966
Robert J Huddleston  1970
Ernest J Hughes  1969
Richard W Huntoon  1966
Clarence R Husk  1967
James Idlett  1969
Joseph H Ingrum  1968
James E Isaac Jr  1969
John W Jackson  1967
Joe E Janak  1968
Steven A Jarrett  1968
James M Jefferson  1967
Gregory D Jenkins  1967
William E Jerse  1969
Frank E Johnson  1969
Robert A Johnson  1967
Robert H Johnson  1970
Dennis K Jones  1968
Griffith A Jones  1979
Michael B Jones  1968
Omar D Jones  1968
Robert E Jones  1966
James J Jordan  1969
Orval C Jordan III  1969
Ronald H Justis  1966
Jack H Kamrath  1968
Stephen J Keesler  1970
Leroy H Keller  1967
Randy T Kendle  1969
Robert L Kleinsmith  1969
William C Knaus  1969
Charles K Moon  1970
Robert G Krell  1969
James P LaClear  1966
John E LaIpple  1968
James J Lake  1968
Thomas E Latham  1969
Alfred L Lawyer  1969
James R Lee  1968
David A Lefler  1969
Mariano Leija Jr  1967
Jackie G Leisure  1968
Robert L Lemons  1970
Lawrence E Lewis  1967
Robert D Lewis  1969
Morten A Lind Jr  1969
Randall L Lloyd  1968
Joseph L Logan Jr  1969
Richard L Lohse  1968
George W Long  1968
Leopoldo A Lopez  1970
Fred G Losel Jr  1968
John Love Jr  1969
Aaron H Lowe  1969
William L Lutz  1969
Ernest G Madden  1967
Adano H Madrid  1969
John E Magee  1968
Eddie Manis  1967
Charles E Manning  1969
Patrick L Mansfield  1968
Jackie E Marshall  1968
John A Martin III  1969
Michael A Mathison  1969
Rodney H Maunakea  1969
Richard H McCormick Jr  1969
Dennis A McElroy  1969
John L McElroy  1968
Leslie W McKillop  1969
Jospeh P McKnight  1969
Charles D McMahan  1970
Allen W McNeil  1968
Joseph E Melvin  1969
Jorge L Mendez-Matos  1969
Stan Mendy  1970
Jerome Menter  1969
Richard T Miller  1969
Ronald J Miller  1968
Ronald J Milne  1970
Jay A Mitchell  1967
Michael J Mitchell  1969
Victor H Montoya Jr  1967
Maurice H Moore  1968
Wavery Moore  1969
Stephen C Moreland  1968
Jack A Morrison  1968
Ramon Moya Jr  1970
Barry T Mullineaux  1970
Pedro Munoz  1966
William H Myers  1967
Roy L Nations  1969
David R Neff  1969
Raymond F Norvell  1969
Richard A Nuber  1968
Arthur E Null Jr  1968
Joseph A Nurzynski  1969
Michael S O'Brien  1969
William J O'Connor Jr  1969
Timothy B O'Reilly  1969
Brian S Orr  1970
Warren R Orr Jr  1968
William H Ostermeyer  1972
Carl E Packard Jr  1969
Larry G Padberg  1969
Fidel Padilla  1969
David L Palmer  1970
Lyle C Palmer  1969
Anthony P Palumbo  1968
Abraham Panganoran  1967
Marvin E Park  1969
William Pate  1968
Washinton Pauley  1969
Willie C Pendergrass  1967
Wallace C Perkins  1966
Bruce E Peteroy  1969
Ernest A Pinamonti  1969
Cloyde C Pinson Jr  1967
Peter P Pitman  1967
Michael R Poppaw  1966
Marion D Powell  1969
Robert F Preiss Jr  1970
Alan N Prentice  1969
Anthony R Prieto  1968
Cecil W Queen  1969
Frederick J Ransbottom  1968
Felice N Ratta  1969
James H Rawson  1970
Michael W Ray  1970
Gerald A Reiter  1967
Steven R Renner  1970
Ronald F Rice  1966
Frederick D Rickels  1968
Gregory A Rindy  1968
Clarence I Risher  1969
Jaime A Rivera-Lopez  1968
Albert M Rizo  1968
Vicente Q Rodriguez  1966
Kenneth F Rogers  1970
William F Rogers  1968
William P Rogers Jr  1967
Robert A Roosien  1969
Carlos J Rose  1969
John Rozow  1969
Edward J Ruvolis  1968
Andrew R Sabo  1969
Harvey R Sanders  1967
Mack R Sanders  1966
William L Sanders  1967
Richard E Sands  1968
Griffin E Scarborough  1966
Ennis R Scarbrough  1966
William E Schaefer  1969
Loren M Schmitz  1967
John J Schultz Jr  1966
Benjamin E Scolley  1966
Arthur E Scott  1969
Steven C Seeman  1970
Michael P Segich  1970
Jackie R Seltzer  1968
Roland M Settimi  1969
Richard D Shannon Jr  1969
Lawrence R Shepard  1969
Thomas Sherry  1970
James G Shrader  1970
Richard L Sickles  1969
Robert J Simmermon  1966
Nathan B Simmons  1969
Joseph L Simpson  1968
Harry D Sisk  1968
William E Skivington Jr  1968
Olen W Smith  1969
Ronald G Smithee  1969
Angel M Soto-Rodriguez  1967
James R Sowers  1969
Larry E Spaulding  1969
James V Spurley Jr  1969
Bobby G Stanford  1967
Edsel W Steagall  1969
Thomas A Stephens  1970
James R Stevenson  1969
Robert A Stewart  1967
Wayne D Stigen  1969
Thomas A Stratton  1969
John Straudovskis  1967
Phillip A Strizzi  1967
Isaiah T Stukes  1969
John C Stuller  1968
Charles G Stultz  1969
Michael J Sturgill  1969
Daniel J Tababoo Jr  1969
Robert T Taylor  1969
Harry E Theriault  1969
Charles Thomas Jr  1969
Carl Thompson  1969
John F Thompson  1969
Robert C Thompson  1970
Larry L Thomure  1969
Edward R Tolley  1969
Bertalan J Toth  1969
William H Travis  1967
Estaban A Trevino Jr  1969
Preston Tribble Jr  1969
Dennis A Trimble  1967
Michael R Tucker  1969
Lawrence F Turner  1968
Richard W van Blarcom  1968
Darrell V Vance  1968
Theodore R Vance  1967
Rodger A Vandergriff  1969
Alberto R Vasquez Jr  1969
Samuel L Wable  1969
Gary T Walz  1969
Joe L Ware  1968
James E Washington  1967
David E Weidner  1969
Greg E Weightman  1970
Darrell C West  1969
Wendell A Weston  1969
Allen T Wheaton  1966
Thomas A Whitby  1969
Tommy R White  1966
Richard A Whyte  1969
Imlay S Widdison  1968
Danny L Widner  1968
Bruce J Wilder  1968
Roy C Williams  1968
Michael J Wilson  1967
Charles E Wilson Jr  1969
Alvy E Wood  1968
Joseph W Woodard Jr  1969
Roger E Wooster  1969
Philip M Wooten  1968
Dennis H Wright  1969
John M Yeatts  1969
Bobby J Yewell  1969
Stephen L Yontz  1970
Dallas C Young Jr  1966
Donald H Zillgitt  1968

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