Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Daily Wall: May 31

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Kenneth Wesley Scurr (Grass Valley, CA)


David L Adams  1967
Peter R Adams  1969
Howard J Alaimo  1968
Bobby J Alberton  1966
William L Alexander  1969
Hervey H Allen  1967
Robert C Allen  1968
Severiano Amador  1968
Bruce F Anello  1968
Peter M Apodaca  1967
John J Appolonia  1968
Randall Arbogast  1967
Benton F Asbury  1970
Jackie D Bass  1969
Harold A Beaverson Jr  1967
Larry W Bender  1968
Anthony L Bennett  1968
Darl D Bennett  1966
Eugene P Beresik  1968
Thomas L Blevins Jr  1969
Joey L Boles  1969
John S Bonner Jr  1970
Peter S Borsay  1969
Byron B Bowden  1969
John W Bowden  1968
Henry J Boye Jr  1968
Phillip L Brockman  1968
Jack W Brunson  1971
John C Burris  1970
Calvin F Butterfield  1968
James R Byers Jr  1968
Byron T Calkins  1969
Lawrence H Carson  1968
Thomas F Case  1966
George G Cason Jr  1968
James A Castleberry  1968
Gerald A Champion  1967
Charles L Coleman  1968
Nathaniel Collins  1967
Michael F Conley  1967
Robert K Cooley  1970
William E Cossa Jr  1967
James E Cowell  1968
Johnnie L Daniel  1968
Joseph P Dastoli  1970
Leroy Davis Jr  1968
John A Dennis  1968
Eric V Dickson  1968
Larry E Dikeman  1969
George A Doane  1967
Jerome N Doll  1969
Robert S Dunbar  1970
Teddy R Dunn  1967
John B Durst  1968
William R Edmondson  1966
Haydn Evans  1968
Russell Evans  1969
Ralph Ferguson  1968
Joseph E Fitzgerald  1967
Carl D Fowler  1967
James G Flynn  1969
Harold J Ford  1970
Robert J Fuller  1969
Larry M Gassner  1970
Charles H Gatewood  1968
William G Gifford  1968
Richard F Gliniewicz  1969
James A Glover  1967
Thomas H Goodson  1968
Harold D Gore  1968
James Gray  1966
John P Gray  1968
Ruzell Gray  1968
Donald C Green  1966
James D Griffin  1970
John L Grimes  1970
Patrick M Hagerty  1969
Leroy C Haller  1968
Fred L Hampton  1968
Edward R Hansen  1966
Paul O Harmon Jr  1968
Prentiss Harris Jr  1969
Elroy E Harworth  1966
Michael F Heath  1969
Ned R Herrold  1966
Dennis Herron  1968
Norman E Hicks Jr  1968
Samuel T Hill  1968
John M Hohman  1969
Jerry L Holmes  1967
Gary D Hults  1970
Cecil H Humphrey Jr  1968
John A Jakovac  1967
Dennis C Johnson  1967
Harrell W Johnson  1968
Clarence Jones Jr  1969
Peter J Kaulback  1968
Steven J Kearns  1971
William H Kilburn  1970
David W Kinney  1969
Ronald C Kinsky  1966
Leonard J Kroshus  1966
Charles W Krueger  1967
John N LaChica  1969
Joseph E Lauer  1968
Francis A Lautner  1968
Homer V Lee  1970
James M Leonard  1969
James R Lewis  1969
Thomas L Loschiavo  1968
Steven R Lowe  1970
Michael A Machie  1968
Billy J Martin  1969
Steven L Martin  1969
Gary M Martorella  1968
Squire N Mayberry Jr  1968
Emmett R McDonald  1966
Winston McElrath Jr  1968
Brian K McGar  1967
Timothy P McGuire  1968
Leslie T McMacken Jr  1969
Joseph D McNeil  1968
O L Midkiff  1968
Donald R Miller  1968
Joseph P Misiaszek  1968
William W Money  1967
Harry T Moore  1968
Charles L Morgan  1968
Leonard Morgan  1970
Thomas W Moriarty  1970
Raymond L Morris  1969
Wayman D Morris  1968
Jeff Mulkey  1968
Clinton A Musil Sr  1971
Dennie Neace  1967
Paul V Nelson  1969
Thomas L Nigrelli  1967
Glenn N Nishizawa  1968
Robert P O'Brien  1970
Doyd D O'Neal  1964
Steven C Owen  1969
Hilario O Perez  1970
Frank M Perry Jr  1970
Billy W Pettis  1969
Craig S Pettit  1968
Dennis M Phillips  1969
Johnny M Pilsner  1969
Larry D Pliler  1968
Mark D Pontius  1970
Charles T Powell  1968
Philip A Pratt  1969
Anastacio D Quilalang Jr  1968
Dayton W Ragland  1966
George M Ramos  1968
Bruce Richardson  1970
James E Rickerson  1967
Howard T Roberts  1968
Carlisle A Rodney  1968
Douglas M Rogers  1968
Charles R Rogerson  1967
Lewis C Rollins  1966
Robert F Rose  1969
Edward S Rouba  1967
Salvadore I Ruiz  1969
Paul F Sanchez  1968
Rodney R Sanders  1970
Robert J Schatzman  1968
Kenneth W Scurr  1969
William J Sewell  1969
Harold J Shea  1970
Johnnie Sheppard  1968
Armon D Shingledecker  1966
Gary J Shinn  1971
Douglas E Simpson  1970
Joseph Smarsh II  1968
Robert L Smith  1968
Steven K Sprinkle  1969
Martin W Steen  1966
Gary P Steffus  1967
Phillip J Stickney  1966
Loren F studer  1968
Darwin C Sturtz  1968
Rnald R Tanner  1970
Landus S Taylor Jr  1969
Joaquin R Tello  1969
Jimmy R Thomas  1968
Daniel P Thomas Jr  1969
Jerry L Thompson  1970
Joseph M Thorn  1968
Scott W Thornburg  1969
Donald R Trantham  1968
Rudolph R Trevino  1969
Salvadoor P Triana  1969
Willie Tucker Jr  1968
Stephen E Turzilli  1969
James H Unruh  1970
Jerald A Vokish  1967
Carl D Wadleigh  1968
Kurtess H Walker  1970
Bartley A Wallace  1972
Gary A Wallen  1969
Thomas A Watson  1969
Philip G Weir  1969
James E West Jr  1968
Ben Williams  1970
Calvin Williams  1970
Samuel Williams  1968
Paul D Williamson  1967
Joseph C Wiltsie  1969
James J Wise  1969
Durwyn L Wolf  1970
Stuart A Woodman  1970
James A Wright  1969
Ralph H Zeringue  1969
Harold J Zook  1966

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