Sunday, May 21, 2017

Daily Wall: May 21

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Robert Paul Cote (Tehachapi, CA)


Billie R Acree  1968
Robert G Anderson  1967
Haakon W Andresen  1967
Robert L Andrews Jr  1968
Ronald E Ange  1966
Marcus E Arneson  1971
Harry D Ashcraft  1969
Ernest A Baker Jr  1968
Cleveland Batiste Jr  1967
Vincent M Benedetti  1971
Robert L Benjamin  1966
Henry Benton  1966
Jimbob Bickle  1968
Richard E Biesiada  1968
Christopher J Bigley  1971
James A Billings Jr  1968
Rosten W Bishop  1966
Leon N Bobo  1970
Jimmie V Bock  1969
James E Boddie  1971
Edward J Bohannon  1967
Allen J Boudreaux  1968
Theodore J Bradshaw  1966
Clarence R Brame  1966
James F Brooks Jr  1966
James J Brophy  1966
Charles P Brown  1968
John P Brown  1968
Louis Buckley Jr  1966
Donald G Busse  1970
Vincent J Caravello  1968
L C Carter  1969
Patrick F Cawley  1970
William P Centers Jr  1967
Ernest L Clark  1969
Robert L Cloutier  1966
Mark P Collins  1968
Robert L Cooper  1969
Robert P Cote  1970
Charles M Crawford  1971
David S Crocker  1966
Alvin C Curry  1971
Thomas B Daily  1967
Robert David  1968
Thomas E Davie Jr  1967
Harry K Davis  1967
Steve C Davis  1967
James P de Bruler  1966
Michael F Deeny III  1968
Thomas F Delehant  1971
Eugene H Dickinson  1967
Patrick R Diehl  1969
Roger L Dillman  1968
Michael K Dixon  1969
Carey L Dobson  1969
Austin L Drummond  1966
Barry W Duff  1966
Patrick W Dwyer  1969
Marcus R Eckenrode  1968
James W Elenburg  1966
Terry M Elshire  1967
Juanito M Escano  1970
Charles H Eubank  1970
Clyde S Evans  1969
Richard J Feehery  1967
Louis J Fenceroy  1969
Francisco J Flores  1967
Joel C Fowler  1967
James H Furr  1966
Charles A Gaines  1966
Michael P Gallagher  1967
Joe F Gayosso  1971
Gene T Gietzen  1969
Randall J Glasspoole  1971
Peter J Glynn  1969
John R Goderre  1966
Robert E Goodner  1969
Robert E Gorske  1970
Thomas A Gowers  1970
Bruce F Griffin  1966
Columbus V Gross  1971
Larry M Gross  1968
Robert L Guerin  1966
Jimmy W Hamby  1968
Stanley R Hansen  1970
David A Haraldson  1967
Gregory A Harper  1968
Paul J Harrison  1966
Robert L Harrison  1968
James R Hash  1969
Michael M Hatzell  1969
Mark J Haverland Jr  1969
Charles E Hawkins Jr  1969
Ronald M Hayes  1967
Victor R Heesacker  1968
Thomas E Hendershott  1967
George H Heppen Jr  1967
Aurelio G Herrera  1968
Billy D Herring  1971
James J Hewlett  1968
Leonard T Higdon  1970
Dale A Hill  1968
William H Hjorth  1971
Edward J Hogan  1969
David H Holland  1967
Theodore R Hollis  1968
Jerry L Houser  1967
Lawrence W Hoyt  1970
Roger M Hurd  1967
Toler L Hutchins Jr  1967
Phillip E Ireland  1967
James A Jackson  1967
Thomas P Jackson Jr  1969
William C Jennings  1971
Johnny M Johnson  1967
Albert Johnson Jr  1969
James Johnson Jr  1967
James Johnson Jr  1968
Billy J Jones  1971
Brent R Jones  1968
William T Jones  1968
Robert Katavolos  1967
Chris A Keffalos  1970
Richard H Keith  1970
William M Kennedy  1971
Michael L King  1966
Larry J Kirkland  1970
Kenneth J Knowles  1968
Jerry J Kocanda III  1969
Charles N Kowalk  1971
Dennis W Lane  1968
Karl J Lavallee  1971
Robert B Lecates  1971
Alfred Lee  1967
David E Lemcke  1968
Clarence P Lewis  1972
James W Liebespeck  1968
David C Lindberg  1967
John E Logue Jr  1969
Patrick M Loisel  1967
William W Lumsden  1967
Antonio P Maciminio  1966
Harold Mack Jr  1966
David P Manners  1966
Carl R Martin  1969
Darrell G Martin  1968
Enrique Martinez  1969
Roy G Matthews  1969
David B Matykiewicz  1971
Hildra McCoy Jr  1967
Leonard D McGinnis  1968
Henry D McInnis  1967
Wayne H McKinley  1968
James D McWhorter  1967
Peter F Mead  1966
Clifford L Menzies Jr  1967
Michael S Mesich  1970
Peter E Millar  1967
Donald Miller  1968
Steven M Mitchell  1971
Philip J Modderman  1969
Thomas G Modisette  1967
John H Najmola  1971
Lee A Napier  1969
Albert O Nelson Jr  1969
Bruce J Nichols  1970
Peter R Niemczuk  1966
Bennie L North  1971
Marshal J O'Neal  1966
Leo C Oatman  1971
Jerome A Olson  1971
Charles H Pearce Jr  1969
Marvin K Penland  1966
Albert E Peterson  1968
Kenneth D Pettigrew  1969
Walter W Phelps  1966
Edison R Phillips  1969
Daniel G Post  1968
Thomas J Potthoff  1969
Osier L Pruitt  1971
Timothy R Ptacek  1969
James T Ralph  1969
Joe D Ramey  1970
Alberto A Ramirez  1971
Samuel Ramos  1969
Ronald M Randall  1968
Jon W Rich  1970
John W Richard  1969
Don J Richards  1966
Pedro A Rios  1969
Anthony W Roybal  1967
Rodolfo A Saenz  1967
James I Sanford  1969
William Saylor Jr  1971
Warren L Scanlan Jr  1970
James S Scarmeas Jr  1969
Chester Schapanick  1966
Jeffrey B Segal  1968
Leroy Shannon Jr  1968
Edward Shepherd  1966
Lynn D Shugart  1969
Walter S Simpson  1967
Edward C Sims  1968
Alton L Singletary  1968
Clarence Sizemore  1969
William T Smith  1971
William W Smith  1969
Joseph A Sommerhauser  1968
Kenneth D Spencer  1969
Jerry E Spicer  1968
A V Spikes  1966
Harvey E Spivey  1967
William C Stanley  1967
James W Starkey  1968
Keith N Starnes Jr  1969
James T Steighner  1967
Jimmy C Stinnett  1965
Gordon E Stone  1972
Lawrence M Stuck  1969
J C Summerlin  1971
Douglas G Swanstrom  1969
Joel Tamayo  1966
Richard E Tamer  1969
Wade Taste  1966
George T Taylor Jr  1971
Walter A Thackerson Jr  1968
Gregory W Thomas  1968
Brian E Tierney  1968
James E Tighe  1971
Dwight E Timberlake  1967
Zbigniew J Tomaszewski  1968
George E Tongen  1968
Allen W Vanderhoof  1968
Jose M Vasquez  1967
Robert L Vaughn Jr  1969
Cleveland Vines  1966
Paul D Walkowski  1966
Charles E Walthall  1968
Clyde A Ward  1967
Richard A Weske  1968
Kenneth G Westerberg  1971
Johnnie B Westervelt  1969
Lonnie C Williams  1966
Larry A Williamson  1967
Gerald L Wilson  1969
Ronald E Wissman  1967
William E Wolfe  1971
Thomas D Wood Jr  1972
George N Wright  1967
Walter F Wrobleski  1967
Florian J Zhan  1968
Steven L Zobel  1968

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