Sunday, April 30, 2017

Daily Wall: April 30

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

George Clyde Norris (Des Moines, IA)


Frank C Ambrosio  1969
Edwin Aponte  1967
Kenneth C Applegate  1967
John B Appleton  1967
Bobby J Ard  1967
Harold K Armstrong  1971
Billy R Baker  1970
Walter F Barnes  1968
Cosmo L Barone  1966
Donald Barrett  1970
David H Bass  1967
Karol R Bauer  1967
Lawrence E Bauer  1969
Charles J Behm Jr  1968
William R Beller Jr  1967
Walter P Bem  1969
James S Bennett  1968
Frederick W Bivens Jr  1967
Richard P Blanton  1969
Dan A Bolton Jr  1969
Larry F Brashears  1968
Danny R Brotz  1967
Patrick L Bruckner  1968
Michael A Burns  1968
Ernest Burton  1968
George B Byrd Jr  1967
John P Byrne  1969
Benny D Cash  1968
George A Cervantes  1967
Robin L Chilvere  1967
John V Chutis  1967
Walter A Cicchiani  1968
Lovell F Coen  1969
Michael I Colley  1967
Vernel Collins  1970
Dennis Conry  1969
Robert L Cornell  1967
Larry A Cunningham  1969
John R D'Agostino Jr  1969
Cantrell M Daniel III  1971
Loren K Davey  1968
Albert J Davis  1969
Clifford G Davis  1967
Richard H Davis  1970
Robert J Diedrich  1968
Michael R Diggs  1968
Luther J Doss Jr  1970
Thomas E Dougher  1967
Henry J Drozdowski Jr  2011
Charles H Duty  1967
William D Early  1967
Joseph M Eason  1971
Robert F Elston  1970
Richard L Endicott  1968
Robert J Enedy  1968
Larry D Epstine  1972
Michael D Erhart  1969
Howard W Erickson Jr  1969
Jack C Everts  1970
Antonio Falco  1969
David K Feller  1968
Phillip W Flannigan  1969
Daniel Flores  1970
Gary W Fox  1967
Philip G Franklin  1968
Charles L Frisby  1968
Joe C Garcia  1967
Jose I Garcia-Maldonado  1967
Eddie A Gardner  1968
Marcello C Garza Jr  1968
Carl M Gebhart Jr  1966
Carl R Gibson  1968
Roy L Gibson  1968
John A Glorioso  1968
Gerald E Goral  1969
Glenn A Gordon  1969
Thomas G Graff  1967
Gerald A Gransbury  1968
George Gregorius  1968
Louis F Guillermin  1969
David S Hackett  1967
Cecil M Haigler  1968
Stephen T Hall  1969
Douglas P Hallock  1967
William H Hancock II  1968
Jerome M Hanrahan Jr  1967
Jerry D Helms  1971
John A Hernandez  1970
Richard Hernandez  1967
Dale J Hess  1968
John P Holcomb  1968
Nicholas L Hollingsworth  1968
Jerry W Hood  1967
Donnie E Horton  1970
Ernest R Howell  1971
John R Hunter  1970
John F Hutzell  1968
Howard R Hysell  1966
Timothy J Ives  1967
Ray D James  1968
Danny W Jarvis  1969
Roger W Jenkins  1966
Donald R Johnson  1968
Gary A Johnson  1969
Paul C Johnson  1968
Larry N Jones  1970
Larry K Kaiser  1970
Charles T Kallaher  1971
Kevin R Keleher  1970
Seeber J Kelly  1968
Julius A Kessler III  1967
Richard L Kinney  1967
Carl E Kleinau  1969
Glen L Knoblock  1970
Robert J Kotik  1967
Raymond J Krupinski  1969
Dale L Kruse  1968
John F Lawrence  1969
Larry E Lawson  1973
Donald R Ledlie  1970
Larry J Leindecker  1968
Edward R Letourneau Jr  1966
Donald P Lindsley  1967
Samuel D Lovette  1969
Giancarlo Lucchesi  1968
Sammy R Lusk  1968
Larry E Lutz  1969
Edward L Mann Jr  1968
Donald R Marlow  1970
Eduardo Marquez Jr  1968
Harold B Marshall  1966
Leonard Martin Jr  1967
Robert E Masseth  1970
John C Mattheisen  1968
Peter Mazzillo Jr  1967
Randy N McPhee  1967
Robert A McPherson  1968
Lawrence J McRae  1968
David P Medina  1971
Daryl G Meidinger  1969
William A Meister  1970
Antonio Mendoza  1967
Michael E Metoyer  1969
Joseph Mieczkowski  1967
John T Mikrut  1967
Paul L Miller  1968
Roger D Mills  1968
James Mines Jr  1967
Michael Miranda  1969
Joseph R Mitchell Jr  1967
Manuel Moore  1968
Michael R Morgan  1967
Roger W Morgan  1968
Murray S Moseley  1968
Adam S Najar  1968
Alexandro Nevarez  1967
Alin E Norris  1971
George C Norris  1968
Rollie M Northouse  1968
Russell W Noyes  1968
John M Odell  1968
Peter R Ommen  1967
John W Osborne  1969
Jon L Padgett  1970
Francis M Palma  1967
Robert D Palmore  1970
Ronald E Parr  1968
John E Pasquantonio  1968
Marvin Paulson Jr  1967
Espiridion Perez  1969
Edward L Perry  1968
Elmer J Perry Jr  1968
Donald Peterson  1968
Norman I Phipps  1968
Robert E Pietsch  1968
Freddie R Pitts  1967
Harold L Pool  1967
Milton E Prescott Jr  1967
James E Priebe  1967
Soren Prip  1968
James T Pruitt  1966
Larry W Rabren  1970
James A Randall  1967
Jerome Rawlings  1968
Johnnie G Reid  1968
Scott D Richardson  1967
Lonnie B Roberts  1970
Walter R Robinson Jr  1967
David R Rogers  1968
William J Roldan  1967
Frank T Roth  1967
David P Roy  1969
Edward T Russell  1966
Fernando S Saldana  1969
Luis A Santellano  1970
Michael E Santos  1968
Marvin A Schafer  1967
Arthur G Schauermann  1968
Robert J Schley  1967
Richard T Schmitz  1967
Bruce H Scragg  1967
Melvin D Seagraves  1972
George M Seall  1967
John L Sensing  1970
James E Shanks  1971
Robert J Shannon  1970
Edward M Shelton Jr  1969
Charles Shriver Jr  1968
Barry J Short  1967
George Sidelko  1969
Samuel A Singer  1968
Charles L Smalling  1970
Gene D Smith  1967
John R Smith  1970
Larry M Smith  1967
Ricky G Smith  1967
Bruce W Staehli  1968
Raymond E Stanley  1968
David W Staton  1970
Francis E Stewart  1969
Harry N Stonesifer  1969
Gordon E Stoudt  1967
George T Stridiron  1966
Charles E Tate  1968
Harold P Tatem  1969
Allen L Terry  1968
Arie Terry  1968
Leon A Tetkoski  1970
Ernest W Tews  1969
Paul Thorik Jr  1968
John F Tino Jr  1967
Alexander Tsiros  1968
Guyler N Tulp  1969
Frank M Valentine  1970
Harold J Vierheller Jr  1968
Robert A Vinton Jr  1968
Allan C Ward  1968
Dennis G Warfield  1969
Jack A Whetsel Jr  1968
James H Whisenhunt  1967
Eddie J White  1968
James E White  1968
Paul T Whittington  1966
William Wilkowsky Jr  1966
Dorsey B Williams  1967
Fred T Williams  1969
Gerald S Williams  1968
Robert L Williams  1968
Alfred M Wolfe  1968
Lloyd J Wood Sr  1969
John B Woodall  1967
Wayne H Woodard  1967
James R Worley  1968
Larry T Yielding  1971

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