Saturday, March 18, 2017

Daily Wall: March 18

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget

Larry Lee Fitzsimmons(Houston, TX)


James P Achterhoff  1968
George F Adams  1968
Russell G Ahrens  1971
Gregory K Arthur  1968
Charles C Asselta  1968
Robert L Baldwin  1969
Lawrence R Barns  1970
James D Barr  1968
Robert L Barrett Jr  1969
Garland E Benoit  1970
Robert L Berry  1968
Alan B Boffman  1971
Billy R Bowen  1968
Charles L Bozeman  1968
James T Bradshaw  1967
Keith A Brandt  1971
Harry W Branham  1967
Dan M Britt  1969
Donald H Brower  1967
David L Brown  1968
Richard B Bruce  1969
Paul A Cabral  1969
Hardy E Calloway  1969
Michael J Caputo  1969
Michael D Carroll  1968
Michael J Casey  1968
Lawrence J Celmer  1967
John R Champlin  1971
Francis W Clark  1966
William E Cofran  1968
Oscar A Connell  1970
Paul A Conner  1968
Monte R Cooley  1968
Nathaniel Cox Jr  1970
Daryl W Crum  1968
Ralph R Cummings  1970
Carol D Dale  1970
Mark F Daniels  1969
Brent E Davis  1966
Cecil L Davis  1968
Christopher W Davis  1967
Larry K Davis  1969
Edward C DeBow  1969
Edward A DeVore Jr  1968
Thomas M Deitz  1969
Theron S Dempsey  1966
William R Dennis III  1967
James W Dennis Jr  1966
Frank C Deusebio  1968
Leonard Dodson  1969
Thomas W Duke  1968
Joe B Eastern  1969
Dale L Eisaman  1969
David Elizondo  1971
Roy L Estrada  1968
George T Farawell  1969
John A Fera  1968
Margarito Fernandez Jr  1969
Robert T Ferrelli  1969
Robert G Fisher  1968
Larry L Fitzsimmons  1968
Richard W Ford  1971
Eddie D Gant  1968
Grady Gantt Jr  1968
Eduardo Garcia Jr  1968
Myron T Goddard  1967
Gaston T Godfrey  1966
Louis C Goi  1968
Elvin W Gose  1968
William R Goudelock  1968
Larry V Green  1968
McArthur Hamburg  1968
Arthur L Hawkins Jr  1968
Isaac E Heath  1969
Dallas E Hickman  1966
William E Hopkins  1969
Thomas F Hornby  1966
Darcy A Houchin  1969
Barry Jackson  1969
Eugene C Johnson  1968
McArthur Johnson  1970
Michael N Johnson  1967
William L Johnson  1969
Ray R Jowers  1969
Kenneth W Jurgens  1967
Joe D Kelly  1966
Garry E King  1968
Kenneth J Knoeferl  1969
Lorne C Krueger  1968
John P Larkin  1968
Jimmy L Larsen  1969
Gregg E Lavery  1968
Lawrence J LeDonne  1968
Willard S Lund  1969
Richard R Lynn  1968
Tommy D Mabe  1968
Danny R Mack  1969
Danny J Maggard  1969
Raymond C Martin  1966
Robert A Martin  1968
Theodore Mazon Jr  1968
Robert A McIntosh  1969
Michael E McNeal  1967
Everett A McPherson  1966
Richard H Mehegan  1969
Joseph T Melendres  1967
Carl L Merchant  1968
Steven L Messerli  1968
Clayton Middleton  1967
Lawrence S Miller  1970
Juan V Mina Jr  1967
Viane S Misa  1968
Robert L Mitchell  1969
Joseph Monson  1970
Dennis F Moore  1968
George Morgan  1967
David W Morrill  1967
Barry D Murphy  1969
William Murphy  1968
Juan J Nazario  1968
Robert O'Bannon III  1968
Jesse J Onishea  1970
Enrico H Pagnono Jr  1966
Robert E Paige  1967
John W Parham  1969
Maxim C Parker  1967
Sydney Parks  1968
Douglas B Parsons  1968
Robert W Patterson  1969
Robert P Payne  1968
David S Pellew  1969
Elliot L Peters  1968
James L Phillips  1969
William M Phinn  1969
Donald J Pierce Jr  1970
James M Pintola  1969
William D Price  1968
Emmett T Pringle  1969
Kenzel M Racey  1969
Thomas R Ramey  1968
James M Ray  1968
Wayne P Reeves  1968
Earl C Rider Jr  1969
William C Roberts  1968
Eulalio A Roman  1968
hugh J Ronneberg  1970
Frank M Ross Jr  1968
Larry D Sain  1968
Jerry E Samson  1969
Charles W Sanders  1967
Alfred R Sapinosa  1968
Clyde E Saxon  1969
Marshall G Schaffner  1968
John C Seaman Jr  1968
Jimmy L Sherrill  1968
Douglas L Shortley  1970
Jimmie T Smiley  1966
Alton D Smith  1967
Charles D Smith  1968
Elliott R Smith  1968
Michael F Smith  1967
Thomas L Smith  1968
Andrew Springs  1968
James E Sprowl  1968
Daniel G Stands Jr  1966
George L Starks  1968
Richard W Stitt  1969
Charles E Sutherland  1968
Ronald M Sutton  1966
William J Swartz  1970
Jerrold A Switzer  1968
Herbert A Tatum  1969
John R Thielen  1969
Charlie E Thompson  1967
Jose Torreros  1969
Dorris W Trainer  1970
Gary D Utz  1968
Frank E Weiss  1968
Robert L Westfall Jr  1967
Thomas M Whitman  1967
Kenneth E Willard Jr  1968
Howard K Williams  1968
James S Williams  1966
Walter A Williams  1968
John H Willis  1967
Richard L Wiseman  1970
Ralph T Woodall Jr  1967
Robert W Wulff  1967
Clinton C Wusterbarth  1968
David H Wyrick  1968
Thomas J Yolkiewicz  1969
Theodore L Zawisza  1968

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