Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Daily Wall: July 8

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.
We will never forget.
Pamela Dorothy Donovan (Brighton, MA)


Edward J Almeida  1965
William O Anderson  1969
Howard V Andre Jr  1969
Vernon D Artis  1969
Bishop J Baranowski  1969
Jimmy O Barnes  1967
Charles E Beals  1971
Donald E Bear  1968
George H Beasley  1969
Ronald E Butler  1971
Ronald E Beutler  1971
Richard C Bram  1965
Edward L Bromely  1967
Thomas Brooks Jr  1969
Gene W Brown  1967
Vaughn L Brown  1968
Paul J Bruno  1965
Dale R Buis  1959
Robert N Burroughs  1968
Virgil A Calkins Jr  1969
Patrick R Callahan  1967
Russell B Carson  1969
Charles P Chandler  1969
Louis L Clanton  1968
Warren W Cobley  1966
Gerald S Colvin  1969
James L Cotten Jr  1967
Merritt T Cousins  1967
Donald L Covington  1969
James N Crocker Jr  1969
Stanley J Cruse  1970
James T Davis  1967
William G Dellvon  1967
Craig J Devore  1968
John F Dingwall  1965
Pamela D Donovan  1968
Gerlad Dunn  1967
Jack O Eitel  1965
Howard L Elder  1970
Stanley S Fenner  1969
Tony M Florez  1970
Harold L Frank  1970
John R Galabiz  1968
Robert V Gapinski  1969
William R Garner  1969
James A Gazdagh  1967
Salvatore A Geluso  1969
Bobby L Genrty  1969
Wesley O Grant  1969
Randolph E Graves  1970
Thomas Gregory Jr  1967
Marion T Griffin  1971
Donald L Grubb  1969
Lawrence C Harrigan  1966
Louis Hazel  1972
William R Hopkins  1968
Timothy Hren  1968
Frank W Humes  1969
Henry D Hunter  1969
James E Hupp  1970
Thomas W Hulrbut  1969
Edward D Jacobs Jr  1968
Anthony K Johnson  1967
Ronald E Johnson  1967
Perry K Jones  1967
James E Jordan Jr  1968
Charles D Kearney  1965
Harvey J Kinsey  1967
Donald H Kito  1967
Donald C Kyle  1968
Millard W Lehman  1966
Gary D Little  1967
Ronald L Longanecker  1966
Thomas V Malloy  1967
Daniel J Maloney  1970
James H Manning  1969
Lee E Marsh Jr  1970
John D Martin  1969
Samuel W McDaniel II  1971
Joseph F McDermott III  1970
Harry McEwing  1970
Louie J McFarland  1968
Larry G Moody  1965
Charles E Moore Jr  1968
George L Mummert  1969
John W Mursch  1970
James D Nansel  1968
William L Nettle  1970
Anthony A Neville  1969
Larry L Nieken  1970
Henry F Nugent Jr  1968
Chester M Ovnand  1959
Thomas B Owens  1970
Jim C Page  1969
Louis F Peralez  1968
Robert W Peterson  1969
Herbert L Phelps  1969
Wayne C Pisciotta  1971
William H Pritchard  1967
Mark P Raiford  1970
John S Reaves Jr  1969
Richard G Repole  1970
Donald J Reynolds  1967
Charles C Roberts  1966
Herbert W Roley  1968
Charles E Schafer  1966
Russell A Schwartz  1969
Rickey L Scott  1970
Roland M Sheredos  1968
Roy L Singletary  1969
William E Sisley  1969
James E Sizemore  1969
John D Skirvin  1970
Jim L Smith  1966
Herbert Smith Jr  1965
Douglas Soward  1968
Randal G Sowers  1970
John F Spangler  1970
Stefan Z Stalinski  1965
Allen R Stroud  1970
James J Sussmeier  1967
Donald B Thompson  1970
John C Todd  1969
Robert F Townes Jr  1972
William I Turner Jr  1968
Jesse Uptigrove  1969
James L Vaughan  1972
Robert J Voss  1965
Anthony Vultaggio  1969
John L Wadsworth  1970
Walter L Walker  1970
Howard C Williams  1968
Thomas L Wilson  1968
Jimmy R Young  1968

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