Friday, June 16, 2017

Daily Wall: June 16

There are over 58,300 people currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.
John Jackie Smallwood (Marietta, GA)


Leeverne R Achoe  1968
John T Adams  1966
David L Arens  1967
Billy S Armstrng  1968
Jesse S Ayers  1968
Mark S Behrent  1970
Gary D Bender  1969
Thomas D Bernard  1968
George D Birdsell  1968
David J Bolton  1968
Theodore C Bond  1968
Gerard R Bonifazi  1970
Donald I Bowers  1966
Frank Bowman  1969
William D Bridge  1970
Leo B Buckholdt  1966
Rondal L Burns  1969
John J Cabral  1972
John E Camino  1967
Ignatius Carlisi  1966
Jan A Carmody  1968
Anthony G Chandler  1968
Mark D Clotfelter  1969
David L Collins  1969
Dennis A Combs  1967
Terry L Conley  1967
Samuel B Cornelius  1973
George W Cottrill Jr  1966
Edward C Cruz  1968
David A Curtis  1969
Edward S Daniels  1966
George R Darling  1966
Raymond L Dock Jr  1969
Alan R Duke  1968
Ned T Dybvig  1968
Porfirio E Elias  1967
Wayne A Ferguson  1968
Warren G Franks Jr  1970
Manuel A Galindez  1968
Robert D Gallup  1965
George A Garcia  1967
David W Gaskin  1968
Thomas D Glawe  1966
William J Goodsell  1966
Charles E Gradoville  1967
Robert L Gray  1970
Hallia L Griffin Jr  1969
William D Grooms  1968
Joseph Guilmette Jr  1969
Joseph E Hammac  1967
Charles M Hannah  1968
Patrick K Hannon  1968
Warren Hardy Jr  1967
Thomas P Harvey  1971
Joseph J Heltsley  1969
Clark L Henson Jr  1968
Carl W Holler  1968
Raymond C Holman  1969
John M Hover  1968
Thomas E Hughes  1969
Gary C Hutcherson  1968
James W Inman  1968
Jerry M Jenkins  1967
Paul L Joyner  1968
John F Kennedy  1968
Charles F Landers  1968
Richard A Lane  1968
James K Leach  1968
Arnold L Leonard Jr  1968
Frederick R Levins  1970
Terry W Lorenz  1966
Frank E Lyons  1966
Marcus W Maddox  1970
Michael A Mahowald  1969
James L Martin  1968
Tony L Martin  1969
Alcadio N Mascarenas  1966
Walter R McCarthy Jr  1962
James R McCrone  1970
John E McCullough  1967
Robert W McDonald  1970
Neil C McEntee  1967
James O McKinney  1966
Freddie L McNeil  1968
Daniel D McNeill  1969
Charles R Mears  1967
Ronald O Meyer  1968
Thomas L Miller  1968
Randy M Minor  1967
Lawrence H Mitchell  1967
Roy L Moore  1968
Michael P Moritz  1965
Edward Morris  1967
Michiel D Murray  1968
Alva N Myrick II  1967
Anthony M Notich  1969
George M O;Donnell  1967
David K Omstead  1968
David P Oplinger  1967
Stephen B Owen  1968
Joseph E Packer Jr  1966
Phillip A Page  1969
Bobby W Powell  1970
Reginald F Powell  1968
George P Power  1968
Joseph Preston Jr  1968
Dean N Raschke  1967
Terry P Redic  1966
George J Reed Jr  1969
Harmon T Respass  1967
Thomas N Rivera  1967
Clarence W Rogers Jr  1967
Lyle E Rohlfsen  1967
Bernard F Rupinski  1968
Larry A Rush  1969
Charles A Rygg  1968
Jackie W Sanford  1965
Joseph F Schiller  1968
John R Schumann  1965
Leroy H Scott  1969
Robert L Sargent  1970
Jesus G Sepulveda  1972
Eugene Sester  1967
John A Sickles  1967
Russell J Sisley  1966
Kenneth W Skinner III  1968
John J Smallwood  1973
Albert J Smith  1969
John G Southall  1968
Norman Spencer  1966
Frank Spotwood Jr  1968
Harrel E Stearnes  1969
Rudolph M Stefanic  1969
Donald H Stephens  1968
Danny G Studdard  1971
Willis M Sullivan Jr  1967
Gerald A Szyszputowski  1968
John R Tague  1968
Dennis W Taylor  1968
Jerrald R Thompson  1966
Rigoberto Torres-Lopez  1968
William F Train III  1962
Robert E Tully  1968
Ernest K Tyler  1971
Sasa Uli  1969
Michael T Ursery  1967
James R Valtr  1971
Charles V Vasquez Jr  1968
Charles E Vivich  1967
Philip Vilone Jr  1966
Michael Waters  1966
Walter D Weeks  1968
David E Weiss  1969
Aaron H Western  1965
Marvin C White  1969
Whitney L White  1968
William G White  1969
Alfred E Whitehead  1968
Sammy H Whitworth  1969
Edwin A Zumwalt  1969

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