Thursday, April 27, 2017

Daily Wall: April 27

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget.

Carl Dennis Ruenger (North Prarie, WI)


George B Allison  1968
Donald E Angerman  1968
Albert D Austin Jr  1969
Robert Badcock  1968
Stanley F Barrett  1967
Daryle W Batt  1969
Kevin P Beauchamp  1968
Ronald L Beckett  1967
James A Benton  1967
Tony R Bingham  1971
Charles J Bongartz  1968
James E Boorman  1967
Robert J Bowdern Jr  1968
Arnold R Bray  1969
Larry D Brock  1969
James D Bronakoski  1967
Michael D Brown  1970
Hollis W Buck  1968
Benjamin Bugarin  1969
Wilfried Burck  1967
Gerald W Byrns Jr  1970
James R Campbell  1968
Walter C Carter  1969
Reinaldo A Castro  1967
Billy C Chambers  1969
Rickey L Chran  1968
Thomas S Cole  1968
Julian G Cordero  1966
Richard J Cordova  1969
Michael E Courtright  1969
Robert S Croke  1968
William B Cronin  1967
James D Crow  1969
Richard I Cunningham  1969
Bertrand J Dacey  1969
Richard H Dallas  1967
Arthur Davies Jr  1967
Melvin J Decker  1968
Earl M Deneen  1969
Alan B Denhoff  1969
James C Dixon  1967
Robert W Doss  1965
Thomas K Duffy  1972
Zettie J Dulin  1970
Bill J Dupree  1969
Blenn C Dyer  1967
George S Edley  1966
Carl N Fisher Jr  1970
Richard M Forte  1970
Eugene R Fowler  1965
Nicholas L Franzer  1969
Rube A Freeman  1963
Robert E Fuss  1968
Robert W Gardner  1970
Jonathon L Gens  1968
Clyde A Giddings  1969
Samuel H Graham II  1966
Roy V Gray  1970
David C Grijalva  1967
Harold G Grissom  1970
Martin W Guard  1968
Fernando Gutierrez  1968
Delbert E Hall  1970
Gary N Hall  1968
Michael G Harnett  1967
Jeffery A Harvey  1969
Randy L Heerdt  1967
William W Henderson  1969
Ronald J Henry  1967
John R Hill  1970
Howard H Hominick  1968
Robert E Hoy  1969
Gerald Huffman  1969
George E Jacobs  1968
Charles W Jennings  1969
Dean R Johnson  1969
Jimmy D Johnson  1969
William Jursza Jr  1968
Daniel A Keene  1969
John P Kelley  1968
William H Kindle  1969
Loyd E Kinsworthy  1968
George H Kirby Jr  1965
Roger M Koefod  1969
Robert T Koehler  1970
Frank D Kornovich  1966
Frederick Krupa  1971
Larry K Leach  1967
John D Leary  1969
Wendell W Leslie  1969
Belvin Lightfoot  1967
Richard A Likely  1971
William E Locke  1971
Larry J Loncon  1970
Randall W Love  1970
Larry D Lowery  1969
Lawrence W Mahurter  1969
William J McFarland  1969
Thomas J McGeever  1967
Gerald E McKay  1970
Charles W McKinnie Jr  1967
Manuel E Mesa Jr  1967
Stanley J Miller Jr  1970
Phillip S Mohnike  1969
James C Moore Jr  1969
Paul J Neely  1969
Timothy L O'Dell  1968
Fred Oliver Jr  1968
Richard A Oman  1969
Arvin L Oquinn  1969
Michael W Orash  1968
Richard D Orlando  1969
Samuel W Osborne Jr  1967
James H Palmer  1970
Howard D Payne III  1971
Ramon A Pellot-Rodriguez  1966
Ronald K Pennington  1967
Daniel Perry  1968
Michael K Pickles  1970
Frank J Prokop  1969
Antone F Proszek Jr  1967
Charles E Redd  1969
Philip T Regan Jr  1969
Lesley S Reiter  1969
Augustine Resendez  1967
Joseph T Roberson  1970
Martin R Robinson  1966
Ruben L Rocha  1966
Jaime Rodriguez-Rivera  1970
Larry L Rogers  1971
Francis W Ruch II  1966
Carl D Ruenger  1970
James A Russ  1970
Gary A Sanceverino  1970
Wayne E Sexton  1968
William J Seykora  1968
Thomas F Shaw  1972
Lorne J Sipperley  1969
Lonnie G Skaggs  1967
Blaine P Smilie  1970
Gary R Smith  1969
Johnnie Smith Jr  1966
Robert L Sowers  1972
Alfred W Spinner  1969
William D Stoner  1971
Claud P Strother  1972
James T Swift Jr  1970
George W Tom  1970
Walter J Type Jr  1966
Robert D Walsh  1970
John L Ward  1970
James E Weston  1971
Lawrence Williams  1968
Robert E Williams  1970
Rom Worley  1967
Terry L Yawn  1967
Donald R Young  1967
Roger D Zeigler  1968

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