Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Daily Wall: March 22

There are over 58,000 people who's names are currently listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

I am listing them all, day by day(by date of loss), until I have gone through each and every one of them.

I am not cut/pasting these names, I feel a responsibility to type each of them individually. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know so I can promptly correct them.

I encourage you to read them aloud, or at least read them all, each day.

We will never forget

Moises Tapia(Los Angeles, CA)


Reginald J Abernethy  1971
James C Ackerman Jr  1968
Donald R Alexander  1969
Miguel A Alicea  1972
Richard W Anderson  1969
Charles C Anderson Jr  1967
Alan W Andrews  1967
Walter H Anslow  1968
Allen H Archer  1967
Kenneth D Bailey  1969
Kenneth E Baker Jr  1968
Larry D Baldwin  1969
Roscoe W Ball Jr  1969
John Barca Jr  1969
Floyd Barker Jr  1967
Gary L Barnum  1968
Morris S Beeson  1969
Jerry L Bell  1967
Robert L Bellamy  1968
Ralph N Bickford  1969
James E Blaauw  1968
Armin J Blake  1969
Clarence H Boolin  1969
Francis M Boyle  1966
John R Brandborg  1969
Kenneth W Brenwall  1967
Dennis R Bruce  1966
Tony H Buholtz  1969
William E Burke III  1966
Paul W Bush  1968
Albert C Butler  1969
Phillip J Cayford Jr  1968
Reginald D Cleve  1971
Willis Cormier  1969
Richard P Cox  1970
James A Cunningham  1967
Johnnie M Curlee  1966
Christopher Z Czarnota  1971
Charles E Daniels  1968
Carlos R Davis  1968
Thomas E Delaney  1970
Michael J Delgado Jr  1966
Blair E Dennis  1967
David W Derry  1968
Edward J DeVincent Jr  1966
Carl L DiNunzio Jr  1969
Terry W Doan  1971
Charles M Douglas  1967
Paul R Drummond  1966
Karl W Druzinski  1971
Benjamin W Duncan  1971
Jesse G Eastman  1966
Walter J Egger  1968
Harvey G Enz  1969
Frank R Esch  1966
James L Evans  1967
Alnold J Faulkner  1966
William H Fells  1971
Charles E Fletcher  1967
Thomas Folden  1969
Joseph D Francolini  1967
Fred C Frappiea Jr  1968
Wordell Gaines  1968
William S Glenn  1971
Richard W Goden  1969
Eduardo Gonzalez-Droz  1966
Larrie J Gotcher  1968
Donald T Graham  1970
Frank Granato  1967
Bill W Grant  1968
Ralph Gray  1967
Donald E Green  1968
Walter Green Jr  1969
Jimmy R Griffin  1963
Michael B Grimes  1967
John J Grohman  1968
Stephen D Gucofski  1971
Charles L Guthrie  1969
Charles H Haber Jr  1967
Walter R Hall  1971
Jeffrey G Hamilton  1968
Earlie C Hamilton Jr  1967
Michael L Harris  1971
Noel A Harris Jr  1970
Charles F Harrison  1967
Michael J Hatfield  1970
David R Hayward  1971
Michael E Hermsen  1969
Frederick Y Holjes  1968
Kermit W Holland Jr  1970
Steven D Hooper  1969
Jacob A Horn  1967
Andrew Horvath  1967
Billy Howard  1968
Charles D Howell  1969
Danny E Hubbs  1969
Joseph D Hurta  1967
Robert P Ilsley  1969
Robert D Jenkins  1967
Benjamin A Jones  1968
Kenneth R Joyner  1968
Richard D Kaminski  1967
William T Kauffer  1967
Roger P Keller  1968
Donald P Knutsen  1971
Eugene J Kock  1969
Manfred W Krause  1968
Gary M Ladd  1967
Bruce R Landis Jr  1966
Larry D Leamon  1971
Robert N LeBrun  1971
Jerry D Lee  1966
Marion L Lee Jr  1966
Jerome E Leroy  1971
Michael E Linderman  1968
Charlie M Logan  1971
Robert Luna  1968
Donovan L Lyon  1968
Carl Lyons  1968
Calvin D Maberry  1967
Julius Maddox  1968
Ralph W Maney  1968
Linwood D Martin  1968
Robert L Matthews  1967
Robert E McAferty  1969
Gilbert E McDaniel  1969
Theodore V McInnis  1968
James A McKechnie  1969
John W McLemore Jr  1971
Jerry M McWhorter  1966
Albert M Mendoza  1969
Raul Montes  1967
Galen L Moore  1967
Peter G Moriarty  1971
John A Mott  1967
Timothy X Murphy  1967
Thomas J Murray  1968
William J O'Brien  1967
Roger T Okamoto  1966
David D Ouellette   1969
David E Ovist  1969
Richard Patterson  1967
Steven C Patterson  1967
Brian S Perlewitz  1968
Lauvi P Peters  1969
Joseph R Piambino  1967
Jerry L Pickworth  1967
Ehrhard H Pohl  1970
Dennis A Prentice  1967
Thomas J Ptak  1968
Charles R Pyle  1968
Paul E Ream  1967
Billy E Register  1967
Angel Reyes  1969
Leonardo Rios-Velazquez Jr  1969
Larry M Roberson  1968
John C Robertson  1966
George B Rusnak  1967
Richard F Salazar  1969
John W Sams Jr  1970
William D Sands III  1967
Calvin E Schwartz  1967
Richard S Sedies  1967
Stephen C Shannon  1968
Thomas E Shannon  1967
Bennie J Sisson  1968
Lawrence L Smith  1969
Frank Spiers  1969
Roger W Stahl  1971
Terry L Staman  1969
Thomas J Sturgal  1968
Clarence M Suchon  1971
Clyde S Sweatt  1969
Clifford L Swisher  1969
Moises Tapia  1969
Daniel M Taylor  1967
Robert C Tedford  1969
Jose B Tijerina  1967
Thomas N Toleson  1967
Estevan Torres  1968
John G Traver III  1971
David C Vallance  1969
David Vasquez  1967
John C Wells  1968
Ralph M Wentzel  1967
Frederick G Wheeler  1967
Gary S White  1971
Lynn C Whitford  1969
Junior Wilkerson  1967
C W Williams  1968
Raymond W Wilson  1966
Billy J Witzkoski  1967
Fred Y Wright Jr  1966
James D Wright Jr  1969
Thomas L Zeigler  1971
John Zupan  1967

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